Knowlege base

Attendant Console Fast Search Hotkey

Article ID: 717
Last updated: 20 Aug, 2021

Applies to

Imagicle UC Suite rel. 2020.winter.1 and newer


Already existing Fast Search hotkey (<CTRL>+2 by default) now allows to search for contacts across Colleagues, Contacts and Favorites tabs, by entering text or numbers in search field. Search involves all contact fields and it works with exact values or "Starts with" values within each field.

Search results appear as you type data into search field, and they are divided into two categories: "Favorites and colleagues" and "Other Contacts". For each category, the following contact field are displayed:

  • Favorites and colleagues
    • Contact name, shown as <Name> <Surname>
    • Source tab: ‘Colleagues’ or favorite tab name
    • Department (if coming from Colleagues) or company name (if coming from a favorite)
    • Phone status (only for internal extensions)
    • Phone type (fixed line, internal, mobile)
    • Phone number (if a mobile number, you can also send a SMS)
  • Speedy contacts
    • Contact name, shown as <Name> <Surname>
    • Source Contact Manager directory
    • Company name
    • Phone type (fixed line, internal, mobile)
    • Phone number (if a mobile number, you can also send a SMS)

Both categories are sorted by ‘Surname’ ‘Name’. If a duplicated entry is found within Colleagues and Favorites, then Colleague's entry will be displayed only.

To close Fast Search window, hit <ESC> button.

See a screenshot sample below:

Article ID: 717
Last updated: 20 Aug, 2021
Revision: 3
Views: 324
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