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Call Recording Reports

Article ID: 740
Last updated: 30 Mar, 2020

Starting from Imagicle 2020.Spring.1 release, a Reports section is accessible to administrators and group superusers from Imagicle Call Recording web portal.

Two report panels are available in this section: Traffic Analysis and Volume Analysis. Both panels include a set of preconfigured and ready to use reports, supplied by Imagicle with each Call Recording installation. The reports can be further customized, using filters and groupings.

You can launch reports, using default filter settings, by just clicking on “Run report” button. Otherwise you can tweak “Report options” and change filter settings to fit your needs.

Please have a look at below screenshot sample:

Once report has been executed and results appeared on web portal, it is possible to export the report as Excel, PDF or Word format, by selecting relevant option from Export drop down menu (blue icon besides Schedule button).

Report Scheduling

Schedule button available below report options allows to schedule automatic report execution and email sending with a specific time interval, configurable on a hourly, daily, weekly or monthly base. Report can be sent to single email recipient or to multiple, selectable users. Same report, with different filtering options, can be scheduled to be sent to different users, associated to different departments or groups. See below a scheduling sample:

All programmed reports are listed into Scheduled Reports web page. See below sample:

Data visibility

Administrators can access to Call Recording data of all recording-enabled users within the company.

Group superusers can access to recording data related to all recording-enabled users associated to own group. This grants a proper Call Recording data access permissions in a multi-tenant environment.

Article ID: 740
Last updated: 30 Mar, 2020
Revision: 1
Views: 1224
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