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Configurations for Cisco UCM Presence

With Cisco unified Presence Server

Note: prior to configure Imagicle presence server, you must configure CuCM following  the “Configuring Cisco Unified Communications Manager for Integration with Cisco Unified Presence” guide, available on Cisco web site, which is version-dependant. Then you must configure Cisco Presence Server as described here.

In this configuration, the Imagicle Presence Service connects to Cisco Presence Server. You must enter the Presence server IP address in the Imagicle Presence Service configuration page.

Open your Cisco Unified Presence Administrator web page, accessing as administrator, and go to the System ⇒ Security ⇒ Incoming ACL page.


Add new Incoming ACL Entry.


Enter a Description and the IP Address of the Imagicle UCX Suite. If an Imagicle redundant cluster is in place, please add a second entry including backup node IP.


After saving the changes, Imagicle Presence Service can acquire presence info.

 Without Cisco unified Presence Server

In this configuration, the Imagicle Presence Service connects to Cisco UCM. You must enter CUCM IP address in the Imagicle Presence Service configuration page. Then you need to add a SIP Trunk on CUCM:

SIP trunk security profile 

Define a new SIP trunk security profile named "Imagicle Presence Security Profile", with following settings different from the default values: 

Incoming Transport Type


Outgoing Transport Type


Incoming Port


Enable Digest Authentication


Enable Application Authorization


Accept presence subscription


Accept Out-of-Dialog REFER


 Accept Unsolicited Notification


Accept Replaces Header


SIP trunk 

 Define a new SIP trunk named "Imagicle_PRS_SIP_Trunk", with following settings (which are different from the default values):

Device Information

Call classification:


Run On All Active Unified CM Nodes:


SIP Information

Destination Address:

IP address of the Imagicle server (IPv4)

Destination Port:


SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space

A CSS suitable to reach phones to monitor

SIP Trunk Security Profile:

Imagicle Presence Security Profile

DND configuration

With Imagicle Presence you can get notifications on DND telephony status. In order to enable this feature, log onto CuCM web interface and select:
System ⇒ Service Parameter ⇒ Cisco CallManager

BLF Status Depicts DND: true


If you experience problems showing user activities, such as "On-the-phone" or "In-a-meeting", open Cisco Unified Presence Server administration web page, go to CUPS ⇒ Presence ⇒ Settings and disable the following flags:

  • Use DND status when user is on the phone

  • Use DND status when user is in a meeting

If presence notifications seems to be slow: check CUCM and Presence Server DNS and NTP configurations. If there are DNS resolutions or NTP misalignment issues, SIP transactions could timeout, causing presence status errors.

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