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Download outbound fax document

Article ID: 415
Last updated: 16 Dec, 2016

Downloads an outbound fax document.

Resource URL

GET fw/Apps/StoneFax/WebAPI/Faxes/Outbound/{id}.{format}

Resource Information

  • Response Content-Type: depending on the value of {format} parameter:
    • tiff: image/tiff
    • pdf: application/pdf
  • Requires authentication: Yes

URL Parameters

Name Type Required Description Default Example
id string required The id of the fax to download null IAS-N1_d53957a4-c6fa-4a89-9198-f32da47e6a58_0
format Format required

The format of the file to download. Must be one of the following:

  • pdf
  • tiff
null pdf


200 OK

Fax has been downloaded.

Error response

401 Unauthorized

  • No authentication provided
  • Wrong credentials

403 Forbidden

  • Insufficient privilege level

404 NotFound

  • No such fax outbound having the given id

410 Gone

  • The fax exists, but related document has been removed


GET fw/Apps/StoneFax/WebAPI/Faxes/Outbound/IAS-N1_d53957a4-c6fa-4a89-9198-f32da47e6a58_0.tiff

Article ID: 415
Last updated: 16 Dec, 2016
Revision: 11
Views: 495
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