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Enable AXL access to Cisco UCM

Article ID: 28
Last updated: 23 Dec, 2021

AXL is a Cisco legacy protocol based on SOAP and XML which Imagicle Application Suite leverages to retrieve the IP addresses of Cisco IP Phones, extension mobility login status and user device association. If AXL queries are disabled, many features of the Imagicle Application Suite won't be available.

Cisco Unified CallManager

Three steps are required for the Imagicle Application Suite to be able to make AXL queries to the CallManager:

  • Create an Application user with the rights to execute AXL queries
  • Set Imagicle AXL/CTI user credentials in the Telephony Service parameters page of the Imagicle Application Suite
  • Ensure that the AXL service is enabled in the Application Suite server

Axl Service authenticates by the credentials you enter in the Administration - System Parameters - IP Telephony Service parameters.

You can either use the ImagicleCTI user you created to control IP phones, or the main CallManager administrator credentials.

Please make sure you also entered the CuCm the IP address. For CuCm clusters, this is the address of the node running the AXL service (which usually is the Publisher).

The Imagicle Axl client service can be started from the web interface through the Directory - Manage Service page. Ensure Speedy service is operational. If not, press Start.

You can also start the service by the Windows Services management console. Ensure the "Imagicle AXL Client" service status is "started".

Cisco Unified CallManager Express

Add the following commands to enable the AXL support and to set the AXL password:

(configure terminal)
  ip http server 
  ip http path flash 
  ixi transport http
  no shutdown
  ixi application cme
  no shutdown
  log password cisco
  xml user YourUsername password YourPassword 15

The username and password must match the one you entered in the Telephony services web page.

Then ensure Speedy services are operational (see above).

Article ID: 28
Last updated: 23 Dec, 2021
Revision: 6
Views: 4540
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