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Enable detailed VoIP debug (SIP trace) for QME

Article ID: 349
Last updated: 16 Jan, 2017

Applies to: 

Imagicle Application Suite - Queue Manager Enterprise


To enable low level SIP tracing for Queue Manager Enterprise, follow these steps:
  1. Edit (with notepad) text file:

  2. Add the following line
    <preference key="logging.level" value="4" /> 

    inside the <configuration> tag, so that the file will look like this:
    	<preference key="logging.level" value="4" />
  3. Save and close the file
  4. Restart "Imagicle Queue Manager Enterprise" Windows Service
To disable tracing, just remove the line at step 2.
When the issue has occured, just download logs from administration support web page, choosing application "Queue Manager Enterprise" and disable tracing.
Article ID: 349
Last updated: 16 Jan, 2017
Revision: 4
Views: 763
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