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Hospitality Services Detail

Article ID: 169
Last updated: 10 May, 2024

Tasks at Check-In

Whenever the concierge checks-in a guest in the PMS, Imagicle Hotel Link receives the Check-In message from PMS and the following tasks are performed:

  • The Guest Name is displayed on the room phone and assigned to the room phone line Caller ID
  • Guest language is set to EN or FR or IT or DE or ES or AR. If guest language is none of them, then we set it to EN.
  • The phone is unlocked, that is, it is allowed to call external numbers
  • Any voicemail message is deleted, and the MWI is turned off
  • The voicemail PIN is cleared, and won't be required to access voicemail

Guest name on the IP phone display and line description

Hotel Services keeps a list of the rooms which can be access by the Users management web interface. When a guest checks in, the first name and last name fields in users management are filled with the guest data received from the PMS. The guest name is then available to be searched and displayed:

  • In Users Management web page
  • In the Rooms and guests web page
  • In Imagicle Billing reports
  • In Contact Manager internal contacts directory
  • In Imagicle Attendant Console (non included in Hotel Services)

The guest name is also displayed on the IP phone. More precisely, Hotel Link sets the following properties of the registered phone:

  • The Line Text Label property, to display the guest name on the room phone display, as provided by the PMS. This feature is available only for room IP phones (not for analog phones).
  • The Display Caller ID. This way, if the guest calls the reception, both the room number and the guest name will be displayed on the reception phone.

This means that calling the room phone from another extension, the guest name does not appear while the phone is ringing.

Tasks at Check-out

When Imagicle Hotel Link receives the Check-out message from PMS, the following tasks are performed:

  • The IP phone display is set to "Vacant"
  • The room First Name and Last Name fields in Users Management are cleared
  • Guest language is cleared
  • The phone becomes locked, that is, it is not allowed to call external numbers. If the room phone is an IP phone, the display will show a "Phone locked" message and a lock icon
  • All voicemail messages are deleted
  • The voicemail PIN is removed and the welcome message is reset to default
  • All the scheduled wakeup calls are removed
  • The DND status is removed from the IP phones

Wake-Up calls

The concierge can schedule one or more Wake-Up calls from the PMS. This schedule is passed to Imagicle Hotel Services through the Hotel Link.

As an alternative, guest can autonomously setup a wake-up call from own room's phone. This schedule is passed to PMS through the Hotel Link. More details available here.

At the scheduled time, a call is placed by Imagicle Wakeup service. If the call is unanswered, it is repeated every minutes up to three more times.

The outcome of the wakeup call (answered, unanswered, failed) is eventually reported back to the PMS. The concierge can monitor the report of today's wakeup calls directly on the PMS.

Calls that are forwarded to voicemail are considered unanswered.

The status of the wakeup call for each room (pending, answered, unanswered, failed) can also be checked on the web interface through a dedicated web page.

The wakeup audio messages, in different languages, can be customized (see this article).

Unanswered wake-up calls are automatically reattempted every 120 seconds, for a maximum of 3 times (values not configurable).


  • The Mitel emulation protocol only allows to schedule calls for the current or next day, one day at a time. To get recurrent wakeup calls, the PMS must be able to repeat the wakeup request every day.
  • When the guest answers, the audio file is played once.


During the stay, guests may receive voice message through Imagicle VoiceMail application, which provides a customizable greeting message, an interactive menu in six languages, and turns the phone Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) on when there are new messages.

Guests can listen to the messages by pressing the Messages button on the room phone.

Guests are also allowed to protect their messages with a PIN and customize the greeting message.

At check-out, all voicemail messages are deleted and greeting message is restored to the default.

MWI for analog phones or phones vendors other than Cisco

Depending on the model, analog phones connected to Cisco VG or to ATA might not provide a message waiting indicator.
The Cisco VG or ATA could not be able to turn it on even if it works when connected to other PBXs.

ATA sometimes provide an "audible alert" which replaces the MWI. If a voice message has been left for a room, when the guest lifts the handset a special tone is played.

This limitation is not related to Imagicle software. Please refer to the phone vendor documentation.

Room Move

Hotel Services supports Room Move if provided by the PMS. When a guest is moved to another room, all his/her data is assigned to the room move. This includes the placed calls, the received voicemail messages, and the PIN and welcome message customization.

If any voicemail message is still to be listened to, the MWI of the new room will turn on.

Room Cleaning Status (Housekeeping)

The cleaning personnel can report the cleaning status for the room by calling an internal number from the room phone.

A voice service, available in five languages, guides the caller to set the right cleaning status. In this way, the cleaning personnel don't need to remember cleaning status codes. More info here.

From Imagicle Summer 2018 release, an optional Maid ID can be enabled in the voice service, to allow maid identification. This feature is available, on a property base, for FIAS or MITEL based PMS. UHLL protocol doesn't support Maid ID. More info here.

When optional Maid ID and cleaning status has been chosen, a message is sent to the PMS, and the concierge can see the change in real time. Please, notice that the Imagicle UC Suite does not perform any check on the user input, the Maid ID code is sent to the PMS as collected by the voice service.

The available cleaning states depend on the communication protocol supported by the PMS. Some of below codes are not enabled by default: See here for more details.


  1. Cleaning in progress
  2. Dirty and vacant
  3. Dirty and occupied
  4. Clean and vacant
  5. Clean and occupied
  6. Being inspected and vacant
  7. Being inspected and occupied
  8. Out of order
  9. Maintenance
  10. Pickup required
  11. Inspection required
  12. Turndown required
  13. Pickup occupied
  14. Pickup vacant

Fidelio Cruise

1.    Dirty and Vacant (VD)
2.    Dirty and Occupied (OD)
3.    Clean and Vacant (VC)
4.    Clean and Occupied (OC)

Mitel Emulation

0. Cleaning in progress (STS1)
1. Dirty and vacant (STS9)
2. Dirty and occupied (STS7)
3. Clean and vacant (STS8)
4. Clean and occupied (STS6)
7. Out of order (STS4)


0. Cleaning in progress (3)
1. Dirty and vacant (14)
2. Dirty and occupied (13)
3. Clean and vacant (12)
4. Clean and occupied (11)
7. Out of order (6)
8. Maintenance required (5)

Fias / Protel

1.    Dirty and Vacant
2.    Out of order
3.    Clean and Vacant
4.    Touched
5.    Cleaning in progress
6.    Inspected

Call Costs Postings

Call Costs are calculated in real time, and sent to the PMS within a few seconds from the moment the call was completed. Depending on the PMS model, the call date and time, duration, and called number could be reported on the guest folio, besides the cost.

Tariff can be customized to add a markup to the call costs.

The call cost is always reported in the Hotel currency. Hotel Services supports hotel groups with different properties in different countries.

Call Cost Postings for the Mitel protocol

One port must be configured in the Imagicle system to communicate using Mitel protocol.  This will be the PBX interface connection handling check-in/checkout and maid status messages.  Imagicle Hotel Services should know the IP address of the PMS interface computer and port number you would like to use for communications. 

The Mitel emulation requires the PMS interface to listen for call costs records on a secondary port. So the second port configured in the Imagicle system (SMDR Port) will be used for call accounting and billing.

Imagicle Hotel Services sends the costs to the secondary port with the following protocol:

  • TCP IP, expecting [Ack] (dec 6) or [Nak] (dec 21) as an answer to each post.
  • Encloses each record between [Stx] (dec 2) and [Etx] (dec 3) ascii codes.
  • Adds a one byte checksum after [Etx]
  • Separates each record with [Cr][Lf] (13,10)

Imagicle Hotel Services SMDR record is in Hobic/holidex format.

         1         2         3         4         5     

001A HTL 03/01  7110 10:54 0002 0003.47 8056881000   L  <- Call Type (L = Local, F = Foreign, Blank=Other)
^    ^   ^     ^     ^     ^    ^       ^------------- Phone Number
^    ^   ^     ^     ^     ^    ^--------------------- Charge Amount
^    ^   ^     ^     ^     ^-------------------------- Duration of Call in minutes
^    ^   ^     ^     ^-------------------------------- Time of Call
^    ^   ^     ^-------------------------------------- Extension Number (5 characters with padding)
^    ^   ^-------------------------------------------- Date of Call
^    ^------------------------------------------------ Hotel Identifier (always HTL)
^----------------------------------------------------- Sequence Number


         1         2         3         4         5  

Here are the field positions:

Room number:    Row: 0 Position: 16 Length: 5
Amount:         Row: 0 Position: 33 Length: 7 Type: Normal
Duration:       Row: 0 Position: 28 Length: 4 Type: mmmm (minutes)
Phone (called): Row: 0 Position: 41 Length: 12
Time of call:   Row: 0 Position: 22 Length: 5

If the target system includes the [stx] character, add 1 to the starting positions.

Call Barring (Class of service)

Call Barring is similar to the Phone Lock feature, but it locks the phone when the room is occupied. Call Barring can be selectively activated by setting a restricted Class of service for the room phones on the PMS. The Class of service is the type of call that a room phone can do: internal, local, national, international and so on.

Imagicle Hotel Services leverages Phone Lock to limit phone functionality, so the available status provided are "locked" (i.e. limited to internal calls) and "unlocked" (i.e. unlimited).

This is the relation between the class of service and the phone lock status for the supported protocols.


0 = Barred/hotel internal only: Locked Administratively

1 = Local: Unlocked

2 = National: Unlocked

3 = No restrictions: Unlocked

Fidelio Cruise

B = Block (No phone calls allowed): Locked Administratively

I = Internal (Local) Only: Locked Administratively

L = Long Distance and Internal Only: Unlocked

D = Long Distance (requiring card swipe) and Internal Only: Unlocked

A = International, Long Distance and Internal: Unlocked

W = International and Long Distance (require card swipe) and Internal: Unlocked

Mitel Emulation

0 = Internal: Locked Administratively

1 = Local: Unlocked

2 = Long Distance: Unlocked

3 = Option 1: Unlocked

4 = Option 2: Unlocked

5 = Option 3: Unlocked


0 = All Allowed: Unlocked

1 = All Restricted: Locked Administratively

2 = Toll Restricted (ECC 1): Unlocked

3 = Local Only (ECC 2): Unlocked

4 = Internal Only: Locked Administratively

The class of service is retained when a guest is moved to another room.


When you can set the DND status for a room on the PMS, it will reflect on all the room phones. When you remove the DND status, it will be removed by the room phones. DND status is retained when you move the guest to another room. DND status will be automatically reset at checkout.

Note: This feature is only available for IP phones. Cisco does not support DND for analog phones connected to ATAs of VG. To know which phones, among the ones registered to your CuCM, support the DND feature, use the Cisco Unified Reporting tool as described in the Features and Services Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Note: This feature is not supported by the Mitel and Fidelio Cruise protocols.

Features summary

The following table describes the supported features, by each supported PMS Link protocol.

Mitel UHLL 2 Fidelio
Guest name YES YES YES YES
Call costs submission YES YES YES YES
Call Barring (phone lock) YES YES YES YES
Wake up alarms
from PMS
Wake up alarms
from Imagicle Web portal
Wake up alarms
from phone (self service IVR)
Maid ID in Room status IVR YES YES NO NO
Phone DND status, from PMS YES NO YES NO
MWI Annotation
(with voice announcement)

* Wake-up schedules are not sent to PMS

Article ID: 169
Last updated: 10 May, 2024
Revision: 45
Views: 1331
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