Knowlege base

How disable or edit the automatic service restart

Article ID: 752
Last updated: 08 Jun, 2020
Applies from Application Suite 2011.x
to version Application Suite 201x (any version)

Applies to:

IAS 2011.x and higher versions


By default, the Imagicle Stonefax service autonomously restarts every night at 01:10 AM.
This restart is a precautionary measure to avoid memory leaks that may happen on some Windows systems.

This article explains how to:

  • change the time the restart is done
  • disable the automatic restart 

How-to change the restart time

1) Edit the file StonevoiceAS\Apps\Stonefax\Server\System\sfxAngel.ini and specify the hour (0-23) and the minute (0-59) you want the restart is done using the following parameters:


2) Save the file, then restart the server to apply the changes.

How-to disable the restart mechanism

If you want to disable the restart mechnaism at all:

1) Edit the file StonevoiceAS\Apps\Stonefax\Server\System\sfxAngel.ini and set the following parameter:


2) Save the file, then restart the server to apply the change.

Article ID: 752
Last updated: 08 Jun, 2020
Revision: 1
Views: 321
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