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How to automatically upload recorded conversations into Voice Analytics web portal

Article ID: 876
Last updated: 07 Jun, 2023

Applies to

Imagicle UC Suite 2022.Winter.1 and above.


Imagicle Voice Analytics cloud application allows to transcribe recorded conversations contents and apply a sentiment analysis on them. Recorded audio MP3 files an be manually uploaded from Voice Analytics own web portal or you can instruct Imagicle UC Suite to automatically do it. This article explains how to enable recordings automatic upload.


Please make sure you have the following data upfront:

  • Customer name
  • E-mail address on an Administrator, part of customer domain
  • First name and last name of above Admin user
  • An active subscription to Imagicle Voice Analytics, Users or Customer based
  • Overall monthly quota for above license 
  • License activation token of Cloud-connected Imagicle UC Suite or Imagicle UC Cloud Suite
  • Email field compiled in all recording-enabled Imagicle users 

Please send above data to Imagicle Support Team.

Once the authentication is enabled on Imagicle side, Support Team returns you via email a "Client ID" and a "Client Secret" strings, to be applied by following this solution.


2022.Winter.1 release only

Please access Imagicle UC Suite file system through a RDP session and locate the following setting file:

C:\Program Files(x86)\StonevoiceAS\Apps\Recorder\Settings\Recorder.ini

Add the following statement: EnableUploadToVoiceAnalytics=1

In case of HA system, please repeat same procedure in all HA node(s).

Note: If you are leveraging an Imagicle UC Cloud Suite, please contact Imagicle Technical Support to enable above setting.

2022.Winter.2 release and above

Please access Imagicle UC Suite web portal as administrator and go to Call Recording ⇒ Global Settings ⇒ Data Management ⇒ Recordings analysis

Select "Automatic upload to Imagicle Voice Analytics" from pull-down menu and hit Save. See below screenshot sample:


If recordings are not automatically uploaded into Imagicle Voice Analytics web portal, please check the following conditions:

  • Make sure that Imagicle UC Suite (or customer's proxy server) can reach and domains.
  • Imagicle UC Suite recording users have the Email field correctly compiled.
  • Corresponding Voice Analytics users exist and they are authorized to perform recordings upload

If you are still experiencing upload failures, please go to ADMIN ⇒ Monitoring ⇒ Events History and look for the following alarm events:

Error type

Upload retry

Final upload status

Monitoring event raise

Monitoring event type

Monitoring event code

Monitoring event message

Generic error occurred

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check mark button  



The recording with ID: <ID> failed to load into Voice Analytics due to an unexpected error.

Imagicle Cloud not available or unreachable

check mark button 


check mark button 



The recording with ID: <ID> failed to load into Voice Analytics due to an unexpected error.

Invalid credentials

cross mark 


check mark button 



The recording with ID: <ID> failed to load into Voice Analytics because of invalid credentials: given client id '<clientId>' was not recognized by Imagicle Cloud service.

Token could not be retrieved for authentication errors

cross mark 


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The recording with ID: <ID> failed to load into Voice Analytics because of invalid credentials.

Token could not be retrieved for other reasons

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The recording with ID: <ID> failed to load into Voice Analytics because of invalid credentials.

Invalid token (e.g.: token is expired)

check mark button 


check mark button 



The recording with ID: <ID> failed to load into Voice Analytics because of invalid credentials.

Recording audio file is missing

check mark button 


check mark button 



The recording with ID: <ID> failed to load into Voice Analytics because the file may be no longer available.

Recording audio file is corrupted

cross mark 


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The recording with ID: <ID> failed to load into Voice Analytics because the file may be corrupted.

Voice Analytics service did not authorize the upload

cross mark

Not authorized

cross mark

Recording user not found in Voice Analytics

cross mark


cross mark

Recording associated to UC Suite user without email

cross mark

Not authorized

cross mark

Article ID: 876
Last updated: 07 Jun, 2023
Revision: 14
Views: 467
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