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How to configure a different data folder from default one (document)


Starting from IAS 2019.3.1 version Attandant Console supports the possibility to configure a different folder for its logs and settings. "Documents" folder is where by default Console user settings and logs are saved . A subfolder named "Imagicle Blue's Attendant" is created by default in“Documents” but a different location path can now be specified during installation.


Run full setup program (please note that full program is required, live update does not support this capability), with the following command line. 

{attedant installer}.exe /HOMEDIR=%APPDATA%

In this example user roaming directory is specified.

{attedant installer}.exe /HOMEDIR="c:\my dir\some other"

In this example  “c:\my dir\some other” dirctory is specified. Please note quotation marks usage is required in case blanks are present into the path.


This capability is not supported by “light” setup package. In case a HOMEDIR  change is required, it is necessary to reinstall/update current installtion by using the FULL package and using above command line.


Open last modified file “Setup Log*.txt” and look for “Custom HomeDir” String

2018-12-10 18:30:51.180 Custom HomeDir:D:\Test bae\another folder

2018-12-10 18:30:51.180 Custom HomeDir has been set to:D:\Test bae\another folder

Check that installer.ini file is present in c:\{pf}\Imagicle Blue’s Attendant folder, with the following content:



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