Knowlege base

How to customize the Maid Service IVR

Article ID: 735
Last updated: 19 Mar, 2024

Applies to:

Imagicle Hotel Services for Cisco UC, Summer 2018 release and above.


This procedure allows to customize the Housekeeping service IVR tree for one or more properties. 
This is normally done to:

  • Customize the DTMF options (removing options or changing the order of the existing ones)
  • Customize the voice prompts

Please, consider that adding new options to support new room status (not available in the default IVR menu) requires a major software change, it not just a matter of customizing the IVR menu.


  1. Start RDP session to Imagicle UCX Suite's IP address and logon as Administrator
  2. Open the file 
    and retrieve the property name of the property you need to customize.
  3. Create this folder:
    where <PropertyName> is the name retrieved at previous point, for instance:
    Apps\HotelLink\Vxml\MaidService\Custom\Bellavista Hotel\ 
  4. Copy the content of the folder:
    into the folder you created at previous point, including all the subdirectories.
  5. If you need to modify the IVR options, customize the file MaidStatusMenu.vxml in the new subfolder, according with your needs.

For example, the following FIAS status are not enabled by default: 11- Turndown required, 12 - Pickup occupied, 13 - Pickup vacant. They must be added in above VXML file.

  1. If you need to replace the voice prompts, overwrite the existing WAV files located under the folder 
    where <XX> is the language you need to change (for istance 'en'). According with the PMS protocol adopted for the specific property, normally only one audio file set must be changed.
    Audio files must be WAV files respecting the PCM format, at 16 bit - 8KHz.
  2. Place a test call to the Maid Status IVR and verify the changes applied. Repeat this for each relevant language you need to customize.

Article ID: 735
Last updated: 19 Mar, 2024
Revision: 5
Views: 295
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