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How to deploy Imagicle LDAP Module using relevant Virtual Appliance

Article ID: 532
Last updated: 14 Nov, 2023

Applies to:

Imagicle LDAP Module


Imagicle LDAP Module download link can be requested to Imagicle solution specialist team.

Once Imagicle LDAP VA has been downloaded, please run vSphere/ESX admin console and select “Deploy OVF Template”

Browse disk for Imagicle OVA file and select it.

Enter a name for new VM and select the deployment location (see sample below)

Next step requires to select a host where to deploy Imagicle LDAP

Please make sure that selected host has enough hardware resources to allocate new Imagicle VM. Please consider the following sizing guideline for the Imagicle LDAP VM, based on the total number of users you need to handle:

No. of users vCPUs CPU reservation
 <= 2,500 2 3 4 40
 <= 5,000 2 4 4 40
 <= 10,000 4 5 4 60
 <= 25,000 4 6 8 60
 <= 50,000 4 8 8 80
 <= 100,000 4 10 8 100


Next step starts the validation process, to check OVA integrity and required resources

If validation is successful, a detail summary is displayed (see sample below)

Hit Next to continue

Next step allows you to select storage datastore

Pls. select one location which includes enough disk space to allocate Imagicle LDAP Module

Hit Next to continue

Next step allows you to select destination IP network

Pls. select the destination network which allows LDAP Module to reach IP Telephony infrastructure and Imagicle Suite server

Hit Next to continue

Next step displays a detail summary of the whole VM configuration

Please carefully check settings and, if they are correct, hit Finish to start actual deployment

Once VA deployment is accomplished, please start new VM and access to relevant console window

Linux IP address configuration screen appears. Pls. use arrow keys to select “StaticIP” option and press <ENTER>

Compile Network settings window with a static IP address and other network parameters. Use <TAB> and arrow keys to navigate.

Once network settings are correctly compiled, select “Apply” option and press <ENTER>

A new Linux window appears, including a summary of all network parameters previously entered.

Select “Back” and hit <ENTER>.

Linux configuration console Advanced Menu appears.

Pls. use arrow keys to select “Quit” option and press <ENTER> to exit configuration.

Now you can close VM console

If deployment has been successfully accomplished, you can easily check web portal access, by opening a web browser and type the following URL: http://<LDAP_IP_Address>

Login page appears. Default administrator credentials are:

  • Username:  admin
  • Password:   Imagicle0

If you need to change IP addressing of the VM and you have already closed the configuration console, you can reboot the virtual machine, the configuration console will be shown at every boot.

Article ID: 532
Last updated: 14 Nov, 2023
Revision: 16
Views: 734
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