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How to enable Guest Name on Line Description for analog phones

Applies to:

  • Imagicle Hotel Services for Cisco UC

  • UCX Suite 2017.1.1 and above


This procedure allows UCX Suite to see Analog Phones connect to CuCM through Voice Gateways or ATAs.

When they are available, Hotel Link can associate the guest name to analog phones lines. The name change occurs at check-in. The guest name is removed at checkout.


  1. On CUCM activate and run the Extension Mobility service (at least on the CallManager node pointed by the Imagicle UCX Suite). 

  1. Log onto the Application Suite server as Administrator.

  2. Edit this file:  <install dir>\StonevoiceAS\Apps\ApplicationSuite\Settings\ApplicationSuite.ini

  1. Under [Settings] add the following lines:    

and save.

  1. Edit this file:  <install dir>\StonevoiceAS\Apps\ApplicationSuite\Component\Native\SvSasAXL.ini

  1. Under [Settings] add the following line:    

  1. Reboot the server or restart all the Imagicle services using the proper batch files in the folder <StonevoiceAS>\Temp.

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