Knowlege base

How to enable Stop button for always-on recordings

Article ID: 750
Last updated: 29 May, 2020
Applies from Application Suite 2019.6.1

Applies to:

Imagicle Application Suite rel. 2019.Summer.1 and above.


When users are enabled for always-on recording and they try to stop recording, they get the following error message:

Message {Can't stop a recording on device that is not configured for selective call recording: Device {SEP00AABBCCDDFF}, Directory number {100}}
StackTrace {
at Recorder.Engine.CiscoMediaForkingCallBase.StopMediaForkingRecording(ICall connectedCall)
at Recorder.Engine.CiscoMediaForkingCallBase.StopRecording()
at Recorder.Engine.WebAPI.Public.LiveRecordings.LiveRecordingsService.StopMyRecordingWebMethod.Execute(String username)}

and the recording is not actually stopped.


You can enable Stop button and truncate an ongoing always-on recording.

This is accomplished by following below procedure:

  1. Connect to IAS server through a RDP session
  2. Edit the following file: C:\Program Files (x86)\StonevoiceAS\Apps\Recorder\Settings\Recorder.ini
  3. Under [Settings] statement, please add the following line:


  1. Save file
  2. Access to Imagicle web portal as admin and go to Call Recording ⇒ Manage service to restart Imagicle Call Recording service

Now you can leverage Stop button, available in IP Phones, Jabber clients and Blue's Attendant console, to interrupt the ongoing recording. This action actually drops Call Recording SIP calls

Note: stopping the call in this way makes CUCM to raise an alarm for failed recording.

Article ID: 750
Last updated: 29 May, 2020
Revision: 1
Views: 535
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