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How to hide translated number for the Speed Dial feature

Article ID: 780
Last updated: 03 Aug, 2020


How to hide translated number for the Speed Dial feature
When a call is translated from our server, the phone shows the translated number. This guide helps you to hide the full number.


  1. Create new Partition and CSS in CUCM configuration
  2. Add the new Partition in the CSS used by the phone
  3. Create a Translation Pattern and configure it with the new Partition and CSS, set the ECC Profile to invoke our server for the SpeedDial requests
  4. Create a new Route Pattern as the Route Pattern used for the outgoing calls and configure it in the new Partition , then change the Connected Line ID Presentation/Connected Name Presentation in "Restricted"

Article ID: 780
Last updated: 03 Aug, 2020
Revision: 2
Views: 338
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