Knowlege base

How to increase the maximum upload file size for Digital Fax attachments

Article ID: 813
Last updated: 27 Jan, 2021
Applies from Application Suite 201x (any version)
to version Application Suite 201x (any version)


When handling digital fax transmission from the Imagicle UC Suite web portal, users may encounter issue while uploading fax attachments larger than 10 MB, resulting in an error message “500 Internal Server Error”.

This is a limit of IIS Web server, that can be anyway modified when required. 


To increase the maximum file size proceed following below steps:

  1. Connect via RDP to the Imagicle Server
  2. Access to the Administrative Tools and open the IIS Manager
  3. Go to Sites, select Default Web Site then “fw”
  4. Double-click on “ASP” 
  5. Expand “Limits Properties”
  6. Edit the “Maximum Requesting Entity Body Limit” (default 10000000) 
    10 000 000 = 10MB
  7. Perform an IIS reset

Article ID: 813
Last updated: 27 Jan, 2021
Revision: 2
Views: 433
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