Knowlege base

How to keep the call note while using CUCM native park ports

Article ID: 943
Last updated: 30 Dec, 2022

Applies to:

Imagicle UC Suite rel. 2022.Summer.1.h3 and above
Imagicle Attendant Console rel. 2022.Summer.1 and above


CUCM Cluster including multiple cluster nodes


When call is parked from Attendant Console, you do not have any control about which node is chosen to manage relevant park port. If chosen "park" node is different than the cluster node who is handling the incoming call, then call IDs become different and UC Suite can't associate the call note to the proper call ID.


A new parameter has been added in the following setting file:

C:\Program Files (x86)\StonevoiceAS\Apps\Attendant\Setting\Attendant.config.xml

Please add the following line, to enable a heuristic method to correctly associate the original inbound call and the parked call, allowing to keep the call note:

<preference key="Attendant.Core.ConsoleServer.Clients.EnableNotesHeuristicAssociation" value="true" />

This parameter is disabled (false) by default, because it might rarely happen that a call note is wrongly associated to a different inbound call. Please test it, prior to enable it in production.

Article ID: 943
Last updated: 30 Dec, 2022
Revision: 1
Views: 117
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