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How to periodically offer Voice Mail call transfer during queue waiting

Article ID: 858
Last updated: 26 Aug, 2021

This article details how to configure Imagicle Advanced Queuing to offer caller party the possibility to leave a message in a voice mailbox, instead of waiting a long time to be served by an operator.

Imagicle provides a simple script, attached to this KB, to enable VoiceMail transfer feature. Before actually loading the script, it should be edited by configuring the following parameters:

  • <var name="" expr="'nnnnn'" />

where nnnnn should be replaced with Voice Mail number to transfer the call.

  • <property name="timeout" value="10s" />

where 10s is the timeout while waiting for a DTMF digit. Once timeout is expired, the call returns to the queue.

1 is the expected DTMF digit to trigger call transfer to Voice Mail number. Any other digit is ignored.

  • <audio expr="session.AudioPath + 'transferVM.wav'">
  • <audio expr="session.AudioPath + 'two.wav'">
  • <audio expr="session.AudioPath + 'three.wav'">

These are the voice messages played during VM transfer transaction. You can create them in WAV format, following the suggested content in below table:

File name



Intro message: "Please press 1 if you want to leave a message or just hold the line to avoid losing the acquired queue priority"


Please wait, while I connect your call.


I'm sorry. I can't connect you with the voice mail service

Once audio files have been created, please copy them in the following UCS folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\StonevoiceAS\Apps\QME\Data\AudioFiles\User\Shared

Now you can include the amended "transferVM.vxml" script into the queue of your choice, by uploading it from the following web menu: Advanced Queuing ⇒ Double-click on existing queue entry ⇒ Voice Messages tab ⇒ Manage messages..    Please save configuration and wait one minute; then refresh the Voice Messages web page.

Now you can select new VM script from "Long wait message" pull-down menu and you can configure "Loop interval (sec.)" for the desired frequency between each VM transfer request.

Finally, you need to modify the following setting file, to enable DTMF digits recognition within the script:

C:\Program Files (x86)\StonevoiceAS\Apps\QME\Settings\QME.Opal.Config.xml

Please add the following line, between <Configuration> statements, like below sample:

<preference key="voip.exclude.additionalcodecs.whendtmf.notrequired" value="" />

Save XML file and restart Imagicle Advanced Queuing service from Advanced Queuing ⇒ Manage Service menu option.

Article ID: 858
Last updated: 26 Aug, 2021
Revision: 3
Views: 303
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file transferVM.vxml (2 kb)

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