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How to Regenerate Imagicle Call Recording Certificate

Applies to:

Imagicle UCX Suite for Cisco UC 2017.6.1 and newer.


The Call Recording security certificate must be loaded on CuCM to be able to record encrypted calls. The certificate may become invalid, preventing the recording of encrypted calls, when:

  • It expires (5 years after deployment).

  • You change the Computer Name of the Imagicle Server.


The following procedure forces Imagicle Call Recording to create a new self-signed certificate for the machine it is installed on, including the current Computer Name.

The procedure requires you to restart Imagicle Call Recording service, and should be executed when no calls are being recorder.

  1. Connect to UCX Suite server via RDP

  2. Locate the following folder: <install-dir>\Apps\ApplicationSuite\certificates

  3. Delete these files: imagicle-certificate.pem, imagicle-privatekey.pem

  4. Log into the UCX Suite web interface as Administrator

  5. Go to "Call Recording", "Manage service" and restart Imagicle Call Recording service

  6. Click on "Global Settings", select "Secure Recording" and download the new certificate

  7. Load the new certificate on CuCM as described in the Administration Guide

  8. Update the Cisco SIP Trunk Security Profile with the new certificate CN (Common Name)

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