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Imagicle ApplicationSuite 2019.Spring.1.H3 setup error message guide

Article ID: 675
Last updated: 09 Aug, 2019
Applies from Application Suite 2019.3.1.h3


During the setup of Imagicle Application Suite 2019.Spring.1.H3 the following message boxes may appear.  

Update Imagicle Cluster node before Master

"This machine is a part of an Imagicle Cluster. In order to proceed with this upgrade, please upgrade node <HostName> (<IP Address>) first before retrying."

An update of a cluster node was attempted before the master node or the previous node w.r.t the one you are trying to upgrade.


Imagicle cluster has to be updated starting from the master node and respecting clustering order. Before restarting setup on the local node, upgrade the one specified in the error message box. 

RabbitMQ service is down on local node

"In order to proceed with this upgrade, please make sure that RabbitMQ service is running before retrying."

The RabbitMQ service of the node you are updating is not running.


Make sure that RabbitMQ service on the node you are updating is up and running. If it is not running, try to restart RabbitMQ service from the Windows service manager. If the service startup fails please contact the Imagicle Support. 

Next Node unreacheable or its RabbitMQ service is down

"The node <HostName> (<IP Address>) may not be reachable by this node or its RabbitMQ service may not work properly. Do you want to continue with the upgrade anyway? (Please note that if you decide to go ahead, some of the tasks that are being worked may be lost)"


Setup can be completed on the local node: this warning does not block the setup finalization. If you are not sure about what option to select, contact Imagicle Support. 

  • Make sure that the next node is up and reacheable by the node you are updating
  • Make sure that the next node RabbitMQ service is up and running. If it is not running, try to restart RabbitMQ service from the Windows service manager. If the service startup fails please contact the Imagicle Support.

RabbitMQ wrong credentials

"Unable to login to RabbitMQ web api on node: <HostName> (<IP Address>)"

The access credentials to the RabbitMQ service have been changed or deleted.


Contact the Imagicle Support.

Imagicle cluster is partitioned

"The current Imagicle Cluster status (PARTITIONED) doesn't allow to proceed with the upgrade. Please, wait until the cluster starts running correctly"


Wait a few minutes (e.g. two) and restart the Imagicle Application Suite setup.

If the error occurs again:

  1. restart Imagicle Service Host from Windows service manager
  2. restart setup

If the setup continues to fail, contact Imagicle Support.

Article ID: 675
Last updated: 09 Aug, 2019
Revision: 4
Views: 439
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