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Installation and Configuration

Article ID: 681
Last updated: 11 Jan, 2021

Blue's Enterprise 4 Installation

For best results, we recommend configuring Imagicle Billing performing the following steps in exact order in this exact sequence:

  • Install the Application Suite Setup package
  • The Setup will ask some general information and ask will you to execute Imagicle Billing Configuration Wizard
  • At the end of wizard,  login to the web interface and add users
  • Configure the PBX to send CDRs through FTP to the Application Suite server
  • Configure the Application Suite general parameters
  • Through the Administrative page check that all Imagicle Billing services are up and running
  • If you own a valid license, activate it using the License page, otherwise the Application  Suite will run in evaluation mode for 30 days.
  1. Right click on the setup file > Run as Administrator
  2. At the end of the setup click [ Finish ] to configure Blue’s Enterprise 4
  3. Configure the PBX Connection for the first SITE
  4. Select the connection according to the Brand and Model of the PBX.
    Enter the required parameters for the connection to acquire the CDRs.
  5. Click on [ Finish ] to end the configuration.
  6. Click [ New PBX ] to configure a new connection to another PBX or [ Next > ] to continue the configuration.
  7. Configure the new SITE.
  8. Select the Driver of your PBX Model.
  9. Choose the relevant option if you want to import the internal call or not.
  10. Select the Country and Local Area of the Site.
  11. Select a Tariff.
  12. Click [ Next > ] until you reach the end of the configuration.
  13. The firs SITE is configured. If you have more than one site you can configure here or Click [ Next > ] to finish the configuration.

Blue's Enterprise 4 Configuration

  1. Click to Start > All Apps > Imagicle AS Administration to open the IAS Web page.
  2. Enter the Username and Password, by default admin / admin
  3. First click to Admin > User Management to create the new users for each devices or sync to your Active Directory.
  4. if you cannot sync the IAS to your AD and you want to enter all users manually with their First Extension Number the best practise is to:
    Click to ‘Create new user >>’
  5. Fill in all the necessary fields.
    Mandatory are the ‘Username’, ‘First extension number’ and ‘Enable Billing for the first extension number’.
  6. Click [ Add new user ] at the bottom of the page.
  7. The first user is created.
  8. Click [ Export as CSV ] to save the Users.csv file.
    Use this file as a template, modify it and add new users easily with Excel.
  9. Save the file with the same format CSV (MS-DOS)
  10. Click to ‘ Import users from CSV or TSV files >> ‘ to import it with the new users.

Account Codes Management

This feature, available starting from 2020.Winter.1 release, allows to define a list of account codes, each associated to a description, CostCenter and number of digits to be masked in remote party number (for privacy). 

When an user performs an outbound call adding a previously defined account code, Imagicle Call Analytics: 

  • assigns the call to Account's Cost Center
  • Partially hides some digits, as per privacy setting 
  • optionally, Account description is displayed, instead of its Code.

This feature requires a Call Analytics PBX driver which supports Account Codes. Please check your PBX vendor for further details.

Account Codes Definition

Please access to Imagicle web portal as administrator and select Call Analytics ⇒ Administrative Pages ⇒ Manage Accounts menu:

Hit New to create a new Account Code:

Fields description:

  • Code: Account Code. It should match the code received from PBX CDR. Not case sensitive. 
  • Description: Account description. This value is displayed in both "Account" reports column and reports filter, if below "replace with description" flag is set.
  • Site: You can select a specific "SITE" (PBX) or just set it to "Multisite", if same Account Code is used in each and every site in your IP Telephony network.
  • Privacy: allows to mask last nn digits of remote party PSTN number, only for calls associated to this Account Code.
  • Cost center: This is the Cost Center to whom calls are associated, for this specific Account Code.
  • Replace with description: If this flag is set, reports' "Account" fields is populated with Account description. Otherwise, Account Code is displayed.

Manage Accounts page can be filtered by Sites or other fields. Moreover, you can sort the Account list by clicking on column's label:

Engine operations

While importing outbound calls CDRs for a Site, Call Analytics driver extracts Account Code and seeks for a match in previously populated Account Code table, checking both Account Code and Site code (if any).

If a match is found, Cost Center field is overwritten with Account Code's Cost Center, privacy's digit masking is applied and, if configured, Account description is saved into Call Analytics' "sCommessa" database field. 

If no Account Code match is found, call fields are populated as usual. 

Account Code matching is applied to outbound calls ONLY. Inbound calls and internal calls are not affected. 

If some calls are processed before Account Codes have been added, you can still add missing Account Codes from "Manage Accounts" and run a "Recalculate Calls" routine to properly assign previous calls to the correct Account. See below screenshot sample:

Please note that if Account Code is replaced with its description, after calls recalculation it won't be possible to retrieve the initial Account Code, for a match with those included in "Manage Accounts" table. 

Known limitation

Call recalculation does not apply remote party digit masking, even if applied for relevant Account Code.


If an non-existing Account Code is included in an acquired CDR, it will be written in a specific warning line included in this log file: C:\Program Files (x86)\StonevoiceAS\Apps\Billyblues\Engine\process2008.log

Above sample shows a non-existing Account Code=5555, retrieved from "SITE" PBX.

Using Billing and Reports

  1. Click to ‘Billing’ > Home to see the latest imported calls.
  2. Click to ‘Billing’ > Interactive Reports to use the available web reports.
  3. For each report it is possible to define a filter by clicking on 'Options'.
  4. Here an example of the 'Call List' report.
  5. Here the complete Blues’Enterprise 4 - User guide :
  6. Click to ‘Admin’ > System Parameters > SMTP Parameters to Configure the SMTP parameters to send alert email or the Scheduled Reports.
  7. From the Billing > Administrative Pages we have some tools to analyse the system and check for proper operation.
  8. This is the architecture of the importation of CDRs.
  9. The CDRs are sent by the PBX to the Application Suite server through the specific connection type of the PBX and dropped in a folder by the (Recorder) stores them in files with a standard format. A second service (Miner) reads the files, calculates call costs and stores the result in the database. Once the calls are written into the database, reports can be directly generated or scheduled through the web interface.
  10. Click to 'Service Manager' to Stop the ‘Blues Service Host’ which controls the others below services, Recorder, Miner and Scheduler.
  11. Click 'System Status' to have a panoramic view of the status of the proper operation and acquisition of calls from the different SITEs.

Troubleshooting: No calls or no recent calls displayed on reports

  1. Check if you've added all users with your extension in the Admin > User Management Page.
  2. Check if the calls was discarded.
    Click to Billing > Administrative Pages > System Status and click to ‘Show discarded calls’for the SITE that does not matter calls.
  3. If the description Error is:
    - Extension not configured, the user that made this call is not in the user list and must be added to be able to import its calls.
    - Cannot recognise call type, the driver is not correct for that CDR format or that string does not contain a valid import call.

  4. Click to ‘Show extensions not defined’ to view the list of extensions that have made calls but are not declared in the User List.
  5. You can add them from the Admin> User Management page to the limit allowed by the license and Reprocess Discarded Calls from the Billing > Administrative Pages, to import those calls
  6. If in the System Status no call was imported for the SITE you can check if the Recorder have imported the CDRs of the PBX configured.
  7. Click on ‘Show File’ in the Blue’s Recorder section.
  8. A new box show you the calls imported from the Recorder in to the SotricoSITx.txt file.
    If no calls are displaying on this popup you can make the advanced troubleshooting.

Advanced troubleshooting

  1. Click to ‘Billing’ > Administrative Pages > Service Manager and Stop the ‘Blues Service Host’ which controls the others below services, Recorder, Miner and Scheduler.
  2. Start Miner and Recorder manually by running these files with a double click:
  3. Check if the Recorder import the new CDRs
    and the Miner import the new calls.
  4. If you do not see recent calls in the Blue’s Recorder, try to check the PBX connection parameters.
    Verify that the Firewall or Antivirus allow to receive CDRs from the PBX.

If the Miner discard all rows, try to select another available driver for your PBX from the ‘Imagicle Configure Blue's Enterprise 4’ > Site Setup.

If you don’t solve with these information open support case here:
and provide us the follows information:

  1. Open folder C:\Program Files (x86)\StonevoiceAS\Apps\BillyBlues\Engine
  2. Double click BluesInfo.exe
  3. Click [Next  >] and follow on screen directions
  4. Click [Save to disk] then save on the desktop 
  5. Open folder C:\Program Files\StonevoiceAS\Apps\BillyBlues\Engine\BluesrecPro\
  6. Open file Storicosite.txt
  7. Highlight the last bottom rows (containing today's and yesterday's call details) 
  8. Right click -> Copy and paste highlighted rows into a new txt file, then save it 
  9. Open Imagicle App Suite > Admin > Users management
  10. Click [ Export as CSV ] > Save As Users.csv
  11. Attach the following files to the support case opening page:, Storico.txt file and users.csv
Article ID: 681
Last updated: 11 Jan, 2021
Revision: 3
Views: 3426
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