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Issue with return receipt not being sent when sending fax through web interface (Application Suite Winter 2017.1.1)

Article ID: 475
Last updated: 16 Nov, 2017
Applies from Application Suite 2017.1.1
to version Application Suite 2017.1.1


Users who are sending fax through the web interface, do not receive return receipts.
In user management the user has no "Email" field filled, but only "Fax2Email" field.
You can check the issue in log file Var\Log\Stonefax.Core.Service\Stonefax.log looking for "mail without destination address".


If the Application Suite is configured to sync with an external source you need to sync also field "Email" with the source or use this query (SQL Management or SQL panel in billing admin page) to copy Fax2Mail field in the Email field:

UPDATE [Users] SET user_email=user_pref_fax_mailinaddr WHERE ((user_email IS NULL) OR (user_email='')) AND NOT ((user_pref_fax_mailinaddr IS NULL) OR (user_pref_fax_mailinaddr=''))

Remember to change sync rule to keep the existing value for "Email" field like in the screenshot below and remember to fill that field manually every time you need to add a new user:

If the users are not synchronized you can run this query (SQL Management or SQL panel in billing admin page) to copy Fax2Mail field in the Email field:

UPDATE [Users] SET user_email=user_pref_fax_mailinaddr WHERE ((user_email IS NULL) OR (user_email='')) AND NOT ((user_pref_fax_mailinaddr IS NULL) OR (user_pref_fax_mailinaddr=''))
Article ID: 475
Last updated: 16 Nov, 2017
Revision: 5
Views: 482
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