Imagicle Presence Service Configuration

The Presence feature allows you to view the presence status of other users belonging to your organization. If a presence server is available, this service offers rich presence status and telephony presence status of your pbx phones. The Presence feature is available for all pbx and presence servers that support SIP/Simple presence (SIP SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY - RFC 3265, 4662, PIDF/XML - RFC 3863).

Thanks to the Presence service you will be able to monitor the presence status of your colleagues in your Blue’s Attendant Console, without the need of monitor all the phones via a CTI link. You'll also be able to monitor the rich presence status of your external contacts, when a suitable presence server is available. 

Directly from your Attendant Console you can monitor: 

Imagicle applications can leverage the presence feature provided that appropriate configuration is made. See below.

Imagicle Notes

Imagicle Application Suite includes the Notes feature, that is an enhanced presence feature allowing to associate custom messages to an Application Suite user, directly from Imagicle Attendant client. This feature is useful to write a note on important information about a user, (e.g. if he is out of office for a long time or only for a day), saving time in trying to contact him. Notes are shared and aligned between all the Attendant users in real-time.

The Imagicle Notes feature is does not need any additional configuration.

Note: Imagicle Notes on HA deployment has limited functionality. The content of the note is displayed to operators registered to a different node only after the next search.


Imagicle Presence can work in two reference architectures: 


As usual, the configuration steps involve user settings and service settings.

User settings

Telephony presence works thanks to the First extension number. Rich presence requires a Presence server and need a SIP URI.

If you synchronize the users' list with an external source, such as the PBX or a LDAP server, you need to have the the SIP URI fields filled only if your architecture includes a presence server. If you get the presence status from the PBX, you can safely ignore the field.

Service settings - Sip Simple configuration

In order to configure Presence Service click on Admin -> Presence, Configuration tab.

Here you have to enable the presence services (flagging the checkbox causes Imagicle SIP Connector presence service to start) and enter the server address and protocol.

Port and Protocol

By default, a connection will be attempted from the Imagicle Presence Service to the PBX or Presence serve towards port 5060. If the PBX or the Presence Server listen for connections on a different port, just fill the Server Address field in the format ip:port. E.g.

As protocol to use, choose between UDP or TCP, depending on which protocol is supported by your presence server or IP-PBX. 


While is mandatory to fill all the Credentials fields (because Imagicle Presence Service needs a user for sending SIP requests), depending on your presence server or ip-pbx this user or extension can be dummy. Usually, if the SIP connection requires authentication these fields need to be filled accurately, in other cases (e.g. if there is the possibility to configure a trusted SIP trunk between Presence Server or IP-PBX and Imagicle Application Suite) it’s possible to fill the field with dummy values such as Imagicle Presence Service diagnostic will warn you about not existing credentials but you can safely ignore the warning. 

How to configure more than one presence server

If you want to use more than one presence server at a time, and they are not federated, you must activate the connectors flagging the "enable" checkbox and configuring the parameters as described in the related sections.

Then you must choose the priority server in the "Preferred Presence Server" dropdown list at the top of the page. When conflicting presence information for a user is reaching the Application Suite, the presence status supplied by the priority server will be displayed.


This page is intended for service monitoring, and it could be useful after first configuration, to check Sip Connector Status and try to subscribe a user, making an exhaustive test on configuration.
Note that page is not auto refreshing, so after user subscription it could be necessary to wait some seconds to obtain all the information. Use the reload button on the top of the table if the presence status has not changed after a while. 

Connector Status

In the Diagnostics Tab you can check the status of the SIP Presence Connectors.

Possible values are: 



Users list with presence status

The following table contains the list of configured Imagicle Application Suite users and shows the following columns: 


The diagnostic page lets you filter the user list by User, Rich Presence and Telephony Presence.

This is the meaning of the Presence modes, as displayed for diagnosting, also available for filtering.



Service status: 


Manage Services

This page allows administrators to monitor the status of the Presence Services. There are two services involved in the Imagicle Presence feature:  

Configurations changes are immediately loaded by the services and, usually, there is no need to restart them. Specific issues can be fixed stopping and starting the services. E.g. if the SipSimple status in diagnostic page it’s “Error” for all users, try restarting the Imagicle Presence SIP/SIMPLE Connector.

Presence server configuration (SIP generic version)

Create a trunk between Imagicle Application Suite and the Presence Server or IP-PBX. If this trunk requires SIP authentication, create an ad-hoc user and configure the Presence Service as described above.

Article ID: 30
Last updated: 10 Apr, 2017
Revision: 6
Imagicle UC Suite for Cisco UC -> Advanced Configuration -> Presence Service Configuration -> Imagicle Presence Service Configuration