An error is displayed on the top left of the Imagicle Application Suite web page

Applies from Application Suite 2018.6.1
to version Application Suite 2020.6.2.h2


In Google Chrome you can see:

An error occured on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator.
If you are the system administrator please click here to find out more about this error

In Internet Explorer you can see

The website cannot display the page
Most likely causes:
The website is under maintenance.
The website has a programming error

To make sure that this is the issue, please check the log file:

  1. Connect to the Imagicle Server via RDP
  2. Go to C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1
  3. Open the most recent log file that you see and search for this error “Invalid_procedure_call_or_argument:_'Left' 80”


2020-07-14 15:06:33 ::1 GET /fw/frame/top.asp |30|800a0005|Invalid_procedure_call_or_argument:_'Left' 80 - ::1 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3;+WOW64;+Trident/7.0;+rv:11.0)+like+Gecko http://localhost/fw/frame/main.htm 500 0 0 147


The issue is related to the failure during the installation/upgrade of the Application Suite.

If you receive this popup (Error starting the service "SFXAL") during installation and click on Cancel, the config and ini files could be corrupted.



Verify the encoding of these files (with Notepad ++ ) and change it to the correct one.


Save and try again to login to the web interface

We suggest to run the installation package again in order to complete the setup process.

Article ID: 763
Last updated: 14 Jul, 2020
Revision: 4
Imagicle AppSuite Cross Platform -> FAQ and Solutions -> An error is displayed on the top left of the Imagicle Application Suite web page