SSO against Google Workspace

This article describes how to configure your Google Workspace to enable Imagicle users to login to web portal, gadgets and Attendant Console with Single Sign-on using the Google credentials.

Procedure for OpenID-based Google SSO

  1. Login to Google Cloud Console as Administrator
  2. Select the top menu
  3. Select the domain of your organization and then New Project
  4. Enter a Project Name (e.g., "Imagicle SSO") and then click on Create
  5. Open the newly created project and select from the left menu APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen
  6. Select Internal and then click on Create
  7. Set the following fields:
    • App name (e.g., Imagicle SSO)
    • User support email: you can set your admin email
    • Authorized domain: add the domain
    • Developer contact information: set the Email addresses adding for example the admin email

then click on Save and continue

  1. Click on Credentials and then on Create credentials
  2. Select OAuth client ID

  1. Set the following values and then click on Create:
    • Application type: Web application 
    • Name (e.g., Imagicle SSO Client)

  1. A popup appears, showing the Client ID and Client Secret, please click on Download JSON
  2. Send the JSON file to the Imagicle Team, since it is required to complete the configuration. This step may require some days.
  3. Once the configuration is done, Imagicle sends you back the User Pool Domain that you have to configure on Google to complete the federation.
    Click on Credentials and then on the OAuth 2.0 Client ID created previously (e.g., Imagicle SSO Client)
  4. Set the following fields: click on Save
    • Authorized JavaScript origins: add a new URI with the following value: https://<User_Pool_Domain_provided_by_Imagicle> (e.g.,
    • Authorized redirect URIs: add a new URI with the following value: https://<User_Pool_Domain_provided_by_Imagicle>/oauth2/idpresponse (e.g.,
  5. Federation is now completed.

Procedure for SAML-based Google SSO

Login to Google Admin Console with an account having Super Administrator privileges.

Go to Menu "" ⇒ "" Apps  Web and mobile apps.

Click Add App ⇒ Add custom SAML app.

On the App Details page:

Click Continue.

On the Google Identity Provider details page, get the setup information needed by Imagicle by selecting "Download the IDP metadata". This file should be sent to Imagicle team.

Click Continue.

In the Service Provider Details window, you should enter the following parameters, provided by Imagicle:

Click Continue.

On the Attribute mapping page, please add the following App attribute URL:

Click Finish.

Enabling users for SSO

Go back to Menu "" ⇒ "" Apps  Web and mobile apps.

Select The Imagicle SAML app.

Click User access.

To turn a service on or off for everyone in your organization, just click On for everyone and then click Save.

Please ensure that the email addresses your users use to sign in to Imagicle apps match the email addresses they use to sign in to their Google domain.

Changes can take up to 24 hours but typically happen more quickly.

Article ID: 940
Last updated: 22 Sep, 2023
Revision: 8
Imagicle AppSuite Cross Platform -> User Management -> Single Sign On -> SSO against Google Workspace