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Contacts Lookup not working correctly, due to Contact Manager's department directories usage

Applies to

UCX Suite, any version.

Advanced Queuing + Contact Manager in use


When the call arrives to Advanced Queuing, during contacts lookup (Contact Manager), UCX Console does not show the contact NAME and can’t apply priority to a VIP call.


Advanced Queuing leverages an anonymous profile for contacts search and therefore it can't lookup department contacts.


In order to solve this issue, you can let Advanced Queuing impersonate a different user (available in Users' DB) with the permissions to lookup department contacts.
To achieve this:

  1. Edit "QME.Engine.config.xml" in <StonevoiceAS>\Apps\QME\Settings\

  2. Add this preference key:

    <preference key="speedy.callerlookup.identity.asuser" value="<user>" /> 
    Where <user> is an existing Application Suite user, for example:
    <configuration version="">
         <preference key="speedy.callerlookup.identity.asuser" value="test" />
  3. Save the file and restart Advanced Queuing service form the web interface.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.