Submit Fax
Submits a fax job, in order to send one or more documents to one or more recipients.
Resource URL
POST fw/Apps/StoneFax/WebAPI/Faxes/Outbound
Resource Information
Request Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Response Content-Type: application/json
Requires authentication: Yes
URL Parameters
Request body
The request body is a multipart/form-data containing a part that describes the submit information and as many parts as the attachments you want to send along the fax.
The submit information part must be as follows:
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=jsondata
The content of this part must be a JSON with the following model:
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default | Example |
subject | string | optional | The subject of the fax | null | "The fax subject" |
coverPageName | string | optional | The name of the cover page to use (not including the COV file extension). | null | "BusinessCover" |
recipients | Recipient[] | required | The recipients of the fax. It must contain at least one recipient. See below for the Recipient data structure details. | [] | |
sendAsUsername | string | optional | The username to use as the fax sender.
If not specified, the sender will be the user invoking this method. | null | "userToImpersonate" |
notifyByEmail | bool | optional | True if you want to receive email notifications about the transmission status. False otherwise | false | true |
notificationEmailAddress | string | optional | Use this parameter to specify a recipient email address for the transmission report email, different from the sending user email address. | null | |
speedyDirectoryName | string | optional | The name of an existing Speedy directory. Such contacts will be additional recipients respect to the ones specified by the Recipients[] array. | null | "directory1" |
body | string | optional | The fax body (plain text). If null or empty, then the rest of the multipart body must contain at least one valid attachment. | null | "The fax body" |
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default | Example |
firstName | string | optional | Recipient's first name | null | "John" |
lastName | string | optional | Recipient's last name | null | "Doe" |
faxNumber | string | required | Recipient's fax number | null | "123456" |
202 Accepted
Fax has been submitted and is being processed.
Response body
Name | Type | Description |
ids | string[] | The submitted job ids (one per recipient) |
Error response
400 Bad Request
Response body
Name | Type | Description |
reason | BadRequestReason | The reason why the request has been rejected |
Value | Descritpion |
SyntaxError | The JSON part contains a syntax error and cannot be parsed |
InvalidRecipients | No recipients provided, or at least one of the recipients has no fax number |
InvalidAttachments | The attachments supplied are invalid |
InvalidDirectoryName | There is no such Speedy directory having the given name |
InvalidUsername | There is no such user having the given username |
401 Unauthorized
No authentication provided
Wrong credentials
403 Forbidden
Insufficient privilege level
Outgoing faxes disabled for the user
Outgoing faxes disabled for the impersonated user
Fax without attachments
This example sends a fax only containing a body (i.e. without attachments) to two recipients, enabling email notifications:
POST fw/Apps/StoneFax/WebAPI/Faxes/Outbound
Request body:
--dcb45cdc-6ac3-46ad-8dea-892a8989588d Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=jsondata { "subject" : "My fax subject", "coverPageName" : "BusinessCover", "recipients" : [ { "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "faxNumber" : "123456" }, { "firstName" : "Jane", "lastName" : "Doe", "faxNumber" : "789012" } ], "notifyByEmail" : "true", "body" : "Hello everybody!" } --dcb45cdc-6ac3-46ad-8dea-892a8989588d
The response body is:
{ "ids":[ "IAS-N1_6a504a1d-12d6-44a7-a249-db6c4389f413_0", "IAS-N1_6a504a1d-12d6-44a7-a249-db6c4389f413_1" ] }
Fax with an attachment
This other example sends a fax only with a body and an attachment to one recipient, enabling email notifications:
POST fw/Apps/StoneFax/WebAPI/Faxes/Outbound
Request body:
--8176a96c-1355-400a-8d63-69a230e8c5ea Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=jsondata { "subject" : "My fax subject with an attachment", "coverPageName" : "BusinessCover", "recipients" : [ { "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "faxNumber" : "123456" } ], "notifyByEmail" : "true", "body" : "Hello everybody! Please find the attachment." } --8176a96c-1355-400a-8d63-69a230e8c5ea Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""; filename="Attachment.txt" Content-Type: text/plain Hi, I'm an attachment! --8176a96c-1355-400a-8d63-69a230e8c5ea
The response body is:
{ "ids":[ "IAS-N1_1322b0b2-696f-4b0e-807d-3707e9a5d1d2_0" ] }
Fax with multiple attachments
If you need to send a fax with two or more attachments, all you have to do is add one form part for each additional attachment you need to send. In this example we send a fax with a body and two attachments:
POST fw/Apps/StoneFax/WebAPI/Faxes/Outbound
Request body:
--8176a96c-1355-400a-8d63-69a230e8c5ea Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=jsondata { "subject" : "My fax subject with an attachment", "coverPageName" : "BusinessCover", "recipients" : [ { "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "faxNumber" : "123456" } ], "notifyByEmail" : "true", "body" : "Hello everybody! Please find the attachment." } --8176a96c-1355-400a-8d63-69a230e8c5ea Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""; filename="Attachment1.txt" Content-Type: text/plain Hi, I'm an attachment! --8176a96c-1355-400a-8d63-69a230e8c5ea Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""; filename="Attachment2.txt" Content-Type: text/plain Hi, I'm another attachment! --8176a96c-1355-400a-8d63-69a230e8c5ea
The response body is:
{ "ids":[ "IAS-N1_1322b0b2-696f-4b0e-807d-3707e9a5d1d2_0" ] }