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Synchronizing contacts with external sources

Article ID: 118
Last updated: 03 May, 2024

Contact Manager can keep directory contacts aligned against a standard LDAP source, using a fixed fields mapping displayed in relevant table further below in this article. If you install Meta Connector ver. 5.0 on the Imagicle UCX Suite, you can apply a fields mapping of your choice and you can also import and synchronize external contact from multiple sources.

Here is an example on how to create a synchronized directory which imports contacts from Active Directory. The procedure for other sources (e.g. MS Exchange..) is similar. Please refer to Estos documentation for more details.

1. Create a new synchronized directory

Please access to Imagicle web portal and go to Contact Manager ⇒ Manage Directories page, create a new Directory flagging the option Synchronized and enter the IP address of the server where Meta Connector 5.0 is installed on (it can be if installed on the UC Suite server). LDAP port is 712, using the credentials choosen during Meta Connector 5.0 installation.

2. Configuring the replicator

Estos MetaDirectory 5.0 Replicators List

Replicator for IBM Notes® 
Replicator for DATEV SDD 
Replicator for Steps Business Solution 
Replicator for Microsoft® CRM  Replicator for Microsoft® Exchange Webservice (EWS) 
Replicator for Microsoft® Dynamics Navision 
Replicator for Microsoft® Outlook/Exchange 
Replicator for Active Directory® Server 
Replicator for LDAP Servers 
Replicator for MetaDirectory 
Replicator for ODBC Databases 
Replicator for Text & CSV Files 
Replicator for Salesforce CRM 
Replicator for Google Contacts (G-Suite) 
Custom Replicator 
Export Replicator for Active Directory® Server 
Export Replicator for XML Files 
Export Replicator for CSV Files 

Log onto the server where Meta Connector is installed on. Open Metadirectory Administration tool through the Start menu link.

Locate the "Replicators" and add a new one.

Select the "Import" replicator type.

Select the Data Source type and follow the wizard.

- Salesforce Data Source: Estos guide here 
(A valid SalesForce account authorized to use Salesforce API with a security token)

Configure fields mapping using below table:

How to map Meta Connector 5.0 database fields to Contact Manager

This table shows how to map Meta Connector fields to Contact Manager fields.

Source Table = Fields takes from the source
Destination Table (Field Name) = Meta Connector Fields
Destination Table (Assigned Fields) = Source fields assigned to Meta Connector fields

LDAP Attribute Meta Connector Field Name Contact Manager web portal Label
givenName First name First Name
sn Last name Last Name
company Company Company
mail E-mail Email
homephone Private Phone Home Phone
telephoneNumber Business Phone Business Phone
mobile Mobile Phone Mobile Business
pager Pager Phone Mobile Private
facsimileTelephoneNumber BusinessFax Fax
privateAddressState Street Private Postal Address
otherHomePhone Private Phone 2 Speed Dial Home Phone
otherTelephone Business Phone 2 Speed Dial Business Phone
telephoneCar Mobile Phone 2 Speed Dial Mobile Phone
custom1 User1 Custom1
custom2 User2 Custom2
custom3 User3 Custom3
custom4 User4 Custom4
custom5 User5 Custom5
custom6 User6 Custom6
custom7 User7 Custom7
custom8 User8 Custom8
custom9 User9 Custom9
custom0 User0 Custom10

Schedule the replication time. Please keep in mind to schedule it before actual LDAP synch configured on Contact Manager web portal.

3. Configure Contact Manager synchronization in UC Suite web page.

LDAP server address = Server IP where Meta Connector is installed

LDAP server TCP port = TCP port configured in Meta Connector (Default = 712)

Username/Password = Used to access Meta Connector administration

LDAP path = Check it in Database-View of Meta Connector Admin tool (Usually used for multiple Replicators)

4. Run Contacts Synchronization

Click on the Synchronize contacts link. After running Meta Connector import once, you can test the synchronization by clicking "Run Now" or activate daily synchronization. The settings may be different for each directory. Each user will be able to manage his or her directories depending on Contact Manager's permission level.

IMPORTANT: Please do not enable daily automatic synchronization on both Imagicle nodes associated to a HA cluster, because your directory will be corrupted. If this problem occurs, you can solve it by applying the following procedure:

  • Disable automatic sync on backup node
  • Delete all contact included into the corrupted directory(ies)
  • Wait for replication to wipe-out contacts in the primary node, too
  • Run manual sync on primary node.

If your directory includes several contacts, you can delete all of them through a SQL query. Please contact Imagicle Support for the same.

Article ID: 118
Last updated: 03 May, 2024
Revision: 19
Views: 3741
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