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Usage through the Web Interface

Article ID: 115
Last updated: 04 May, 2021

Searching directories

To search for contacts log onto the Application Suite web interface and click the "Search contacts" link on the menu.

Basic search

By default the search performed by Speedy is google-style. All the directories which are available to the user are searched. The search includes all the contacts' fields.

Note: the contacts which do not have telephone numbers are excluded from the search.

Advanced search

Advanced search works in boolean AND mode. It will find the contacts that match all the conditions at the same time. The more fields you fill, the less results you will find.

Search options

Click on the options link to limit the results to internal contacts, to change the way the match is made (from the beginning, exactly all the text, a part of the text) and the maximum number of contacts to display.

Result list and click to dial

The list of the results shows internal and external contacts in different colours. All the contacts phone numbers are displayed. For internal contacts the user department is also displayed. Clicking on a telephone number makes the user's ip phone begin a call towards that destination.

NOTE: Click to dial is not available to the Application Suite default administrator (the one you created during setup) because it does not have a user profile and it cannot be associated to an IP Phone.

Clicking on the contact name opens the details window. If a field is blank it is not displayed. If the email field is filled, you can click on it to start your email client.

Managing Directories

To create, rename and delete directories log onto the Application Suite web interface and click the "Manage directories" link on the menu.

Click on the icons to the left to edit or delete a directory.

The Local contacts directories cannot be edited (see below). This kind of directory has a little locker on the icon.

Filter and sort the directory list clicking by the controls on the column names header.

To add a new directory click on the "Add New Directory" link on the top of the list.

Fill the directory name and choose the directory type (public, department, or personal). Please remember that personal directories are not available to the application suite main administrator. Department directories will be available only to the users that belong to that department. Check the exact spelling of the department, which must match the "Department" field of the users the directory is addressed to.

You can also decide if then directory has to be editable by users or not. If a Public or Department directory has been marked for editing, the users may add, edit and remove its contacts by the web interface, by phone or through Blues Attendant.

Vip directories contain contact which will have higher priority in Queue Manager Enterprise queues.

Synchronized directories periodically reload their contacts from a LDAP server. See below.

Editing Contacts

You can add and edit directory contacts by double-clicking on its row or clicking the View/Edit contacts icon.

Add new contacts by the link on the top of the grid. Delete them by selecting their checkboxes and clicking on the small icon with the "x" or the red icon. Edit a contact double clicking on its row or by clicking the icon to the right.

Sort and Filter

You can sort the contacts by clicking on the columns name. To see only a subset of the contacts, select the field you want to filter and click one of the red letters.

Note: to remove the filter, click "all"

Exporting and Importing Contacts

New contacts may also be added importing them from a CSV (comma-separated values) file.

Click on "Download template" to see what fields the CSV file must contain. New contacts will be added to the existing ones.

Integration with other Imagicle Applications

Blue's Attendant and Blue's ONE Enterprise

Click on the Contacts tab to be able to search all the directories you are allowed to see based on your IAS permissions. The integration with Speedy is always active.


From the Send Fax page, users can click on the Find contact button to search their directories.

If a contact has a valid number in the Business Fax field, it can be added to the recipients list. Multiple contacts can be selected at a time.

You can also add a whole directory. Only the contacts with a valid business fax will be added.

Article ID: 115
Last updated: 04 May, 2021
Revision: 2
Views: 1403
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