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Users and faxboxes configuration

Article ID: 765
Last updated: 29 Jul, 2021

User Basic Configuration

You should create a IAS user for each person that you want to allowed to send or receive a fax with Digital Fax. You could also create group fax numbers, or receive all the faxes on a single mailbox, both those tasks are described in the advanced configuration.

These are the fields you must fill in the Users Management for each user who needs to send/receive faxes:

  • Fax number: represents the personal fax number associated to the user. It can be an extension internal number number or a DID (Direct Inward Dial) number. For incoming faxes it must exactly match the called number sent by the PBX or voice gateway to Digital Fax.
  • Offnet fax number: populate this optional field if you want to send an outgoing offnet fax using a calling number different from the user fax number. It can be used, for instance, to specify the E.164 phone number corresponding to the internal fax number.
    If empy, the same fax number defined above will be used both for incoming and outgoing faxes.
    This number is not considered for internal (on-net) faxes.
  • Enable Receive: to enable the user to receive faxes. If this is set to "True", the faxes addressed to the user's fax number (403 in our example) will be available to him/her from the Inbox web page.
    If this field is set to "False" and a default user is defined for Digital Fax, the fax will be received anyway and assigned to the default user. If it is set to "False" and a default user is not configured or is not enabled to receive, the incoming fax will be rejected.
  • Enable Send: this gives the user the sending capabilities, from any interface. Set to "True" to enable the user to send faxes. A user who is not enabled to send faxes but still tries to use the Email To Fax or the Web To Fax features will receive a message stating that the feature is not enabled for him/her
  • Enable Fax To Email: a field to activate the email notification of a received fax, which causes the faxes addressed to that user (403) to be forwarded to his/her mailbox, specified in the Fax2Email address field. The user can also receive a copy of the fax attached to the email if you check the Fax To Email Attach Fax flag
  • Attach Fax: this flag allows to receive a fax copy together with the email notification.
  • Notifications preferred template: the filename (without extension) of the email template to be used for fax server notifications for this user. 
  • Company name: the sender company name, appearing in the fax header and in the fax coverpage.
    This field, if populated, overrides for this user the same parameter defined at system level (Application Settings --> Company Info). 
  • TSID: the transmitter fax ID, appearing in the fax header, normally containing the fax sender number.
    This field, if populated, overrides for this user the same parameter defined at system level (Application Settings --> Company Info). 

To learn how to edit the user's fields, please refer to the IAS Configuration, User Management section.

User Permissions

User permission control both the capability to send/receive faxes and the service management.
Following, the available access levels for Digital Fax:

  • No Access: the user is not enabled to receive/send faxes, neither to consult his/her fax inbox/outbox.  
  • Base Access: the user can send/receive faxes and consult his/her fax list (inbox/outbox), see/download his/her own fax documents.
  • Manage Department Faxes: in addition to the base access, this level permits the user to consult the fax list of all users (inbox/outbox) of his/her department. However, for privacy policy, the user cannot see/download the other users' fax documents. 
  • Complete Management: the user can send/receive faxes, consult the fax list (inbox/outbox) of all users, change the service settings and start/stop the service. However, for privacy policy, the user cannot see/download the other users' fax documents. 

Assigning such access levels, Digital Fax can be enabled or disabled per user.  However, to enable/disable the service to all users, you do not need to change the access level for each user. In facts, you can set the default access level (base acccess is the default) inherited by all users and then set the exceptions to specific users.

Note: in addition of the mentioned access levels, in order to send and receive faxes,you must also ensure that:

  • the user has the flags "Fax: enable send" and "Fax: enable receive" enabled.
  • Incoming and outgoing faxes are globally enabled at system level . Please refer to the Digital Fax Administrative Configuration section, below.

User Preferences

The users with permission level 2 or higher will be able to change some preference through the web interface: enable or disable fax to email, the fax2email destination address, and if the fax will be attached to the notification.

Fax User Configuration Example

Suppose you have a public pool of numbers like 02 97865xxx. This means a DID (Direct Inward Dial) with one thousand available numbers (from 02 97865000 to 02 97865999).

  • You have reserved 3xx numbers for the phone extensions of the users
  • You will now reserve 4xx numbers for the related fax extensions

Then you can create a user to test fax features with the following parameters:

  • Name and Surname: Christian Bianchi
  • Phone number: 303
  • Fax number: 403
  • Fax2Email address:
  • Enable receive: true
  • Enable send: true

If you want to assign the same number to both voice and fax (for each user) or if you have only one public number for both company telephone and company fax, you can use the Auto Attendant feature of Imagicle Application Suite in order to provide an automated voice response to choose between voice and fax.

Article ID: 765
Last updated: 29 Jul, 2021
Revision: 3
Views: 3230
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