Moreover, some CRUD APIs are available for the following provisioning actions:
Add a new Imagicle queue
Modify a queue
Delete a queue
Add/remove agents from a queue
Add an IVR Service
Modify an IVR Service
Delete an IVR Service
Clone an IVR Service
Add/Remove IVR Managers from an IVR Service
Below is the technical documentation for the QME FIFO Queues API. This documentation details the available endpoints, data models, authentication requirements, error responses, and examples as defined in the OpenAPI specification.
FIFO Queues API Documentation
API Title: FIFO Queues
Version: 2025.Winter.1
Description: This web service exposes a set of functions to manipulate QME FIFO queues, including creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting queues; managing queue managers and agents; and retrieving both real‐time and historical statistics.
Base URL & Authentication
Base URL:
variable represents the UCX Suite server hostname or IP address.
All endpoints require HTTP Basic Authentication. You must include an Authorization header with your username and password encoded in Base64.Example header:
CODEAuthorization: Basic {base64(username:password)}
Data Models
Queue Object
Agent Schema
(integer, enum: 0–4):0
: None1
: Log out2
: Ready3
: Pause4
: Wrap Up
(date-time): Provided if in Wrap Up status.pauseReason
(string): Provided if in Pause status.
Call Schema
(string): Call identifier.waitingStartTime
(date-time): Time the call entered the queue.caller
(object): See Caller Schema.isBeingTransferred
(object): See BookedBy Schema.
Caller Schema
(string, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)isInternal
BookedBy Schema
Error Responses
Common error responses across endpoints include:
401 Unauthorized: No authentication provided or wrong credentials.
403 Forbidden: Authenticated user does not have the required access level.
Specific messages include:
403.BaseAccess: Requires QME base access.
403.GlobalAdmin: Requires complete management privileges.
403.GlobalOrSpecificInstanceAdmin / GlobalSupervisorOrInstanceSupervisor / GlobalSupervisorOrInstanceProfileViewAgent: Various access levels for managing queues and viewing statistics.
403.Self: Users cannot remove themselves unless they have complete management privileges.
404 Not Found: The requested resource (queue, user, etc.) could not be found.
400 Bad Request: Validation errors with additional details provided in the response (e.g., missing parameters, invalid values).
Specific error responses for queues and users include error codes enumerating the possible reasons.
409 Conflict: Occurs when attempting to create or modify a queue with conflicting data (e.g., duplicate name or telephone address).
429 Too Many Requests: Rate limiting is enforced; a
header indicates the wait time.500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred while processing the request.
504 Gateway Timeout: The QME service is not running or did not respond in time.
This API offers complete management capabilities for QME FIFO queues, including CRUD operations, user (manager and agent) management, and both real-time and historical statistics reporting. All endpoints are secured with HTTP Basic Authentication, and robust error handling is provided to inform clients of issues with authentication, authorization, validation, and service availability.