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How to change search results ranking

Applies to:

Imagicle UCX Suite Summer 2018 release and above.


Change the priority of returned search results


  1. Access to Imagicle server via RDP and edit file: 

  2. C:\Program Files (x86)\StonevoiceAS\Apps\Speedy\Server\system\Speedy.defaults

  3. Find this line:  PrioritySearchFieldSet=LastName,FirstName,CompanyName,Email,Department,PostalAddress,PrimaryExtNumber

  4. Copy above line

  5. Close Speedy.default file

  6. Edit Speedy.ini file, available in the same folder

  7. Add copied line at the bottom of this file, and change field priority according to specific needs

  8. Save file

Forbidden PrioritySearchFieldSet values

Once above configuration has been applied, please test it from web portal. If duplicated fields has been entered (E.g. LastName,FirstName,LastName), the following error appears:


If a wrong field name is entered (E.g. LastName,FirstNam), the following error appears:

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.