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How to License Meta Connector

Applies to:

Imagicle Meta Connector, AKA Estos Metadirectory, any version


How to apply a purchased license


  1. Open Estos Metadirectory software and click on Configuration | General | License SettingsClick ‘Add’, type in your license code then click ‘OK’.

  1. Check your license code and click on "Bind license..."

  1. Now you can choose whether to activate online or offline:

  1. Click on "Link license online..." if the server is able to reach the Internet, then wait for the end of the procedure

  2. If the server is not able to reach the Internet, you can proceed with the offline activationclick on "Show details"On a PC that is connected to the Internet, go to and use the reported information. On a device (i.e. a mobile phone) that is connected to the Internet, use the QR code, as shown below:

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