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How to synchronize user's custom fields from selected sources

Applies to:

UCX Suite, any version.


This article describes how to synchronize user's custom fields against a selected AD/LDAP attribute or CUCM end user's field.
This may be useful to include additional descriptive fields or telephone numbers in the Local Contacts directory and in the Attendant Console "Colleagues" tab.

In this article we suppose to synchronize the following LDAP attributes or CUCM fields:

  • title --> to be saved into the user custom1 field (string)

  • pager --> containing the user DECT number, to be saved into the custom2 field (telephone number)


  • Enable the Contact Manager custom fields custom1 and custom2 for internal contacts. To do this, edit the file <installation dir>\Apps\Speedy\Settings\CustomFields.config.xml and add the following parameters:

<preference key="EnableFieldInternalCustom1" value="true" />
<preference key="LabelInternalCustom1" value="Title" />
<preference key="FieldTypeCustom1" value="String" />
<preference key="EnableFieldInternalCustom2" value="true" />
<preference key="LabelInternalCustom2" value="DECT No." />
<preference key="FieldTypeCustom2" value="Telephone" />
  • ​​Configure the Synchronization service to synchronize the fields custom1 and custom2.
    Normally the custom fields are not synchronized with external sources, therefore we need to define a specific synch rule to synchronize them.

  • Add the following parameters to these files:

    • StonevoiceAS\Apps\Fw\Settings\AdAdapterRules.script.settings.config.xml (AD synch)

    • StonevoiceAS\Apps\Fw\Settings\LDAPAdapterRules.script.settings.config.xml (LDAP synch)

    • StonevoiceAS\Apps\Fw\Settings\CcmAdapterRules.script.settings.config.xml (CUCM synch)

<preference key="rules.fields.user_Custom1" value="Sync" />
<preference key="rules.fields.user_Custom2" value="Sync" />
  • Configure the synchronization script to realize a map between the source attribute/field and UCX destination custom field.

    • Active Directory: Create a copy of the file StonevoiceAS\Apps\Fw\scripts\AdAdapterRules.script.xml (in the same folder) and rename it AdAdapterRules.script.xml.user 

    • LDAP: Create a copy of the file StonevoiceAS\Apps\Fw\scripts\LdapAdapterRules.script.xml (in the same folder) and rename it LdapAdapterRules.script.xml.user

    • CUCM: Create a copy of the file StonevoiceAS\Apps\Fw\scripts\CcmAdapterRules.script.xml (in the same folder) and rename it CcmAdapterRules.script.xml.user

    • Edit the .user file just created and add two following match rules  "item value" (you can insert the parameters after <!-- Fax Company Name --> section, before </param> ):

<rule type="match">
<param type="matchParam">
​<item value="title, user_custom1::50" required="false" /> <!-- Insert into custom1 field the Title attribute content -->
​<item value="pager, user_custom2::50" required="false" />  <!-- Insert into custom2 field the Pager attribute content -->

  • Restart the service "Imagicle Synchronization Service" from the Windows service panel, wait for 30 seconds, then run a UCX Suite user synchronization from the web interface (Run now button).

  • If you need to see the new fields in the Attendant Console, restart the UCX Console service (on UCX Suite) and the UCX Console client.

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