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List Recordings

Endpoint: GET /

Description: Retrieves a collection of recordings filtered by various parameters. Results are returned either as a paged list or as the full matching set when paging is not applied.

Query Parameters:

  • page (integer): The 0-based page index to return.
    Example: page=2

  • pageSize (integer): Number of records per page.
    Note: Omitting this parameter returns all matching recordings, which could impact performance.
    Example: pageSize=25

  • startTime (string, format: RHS-Colon:datetime): Filters recordings based on their start time.
    Example: startTime=after:2023-01-01T00:00:00Z

  • endTime (string, format: RHS-Colon:datetime): Filters recordings based on their end time.
    Example: endTime=before:2023-01-02T00:00:00Z

  • localPartyNumber (string): Filters recordings by the local party number.
    Example: localPartyNumber=225

  • remoteParty (string, format: RHS-Colon:string): Filters recordings whose remote party number matches or contains the given value.
    Example: remoteParty=contains:+1234

  • ownerUsername (string): Filters recordings by the username of the user who recorded the call.
    Example: ownerUsername=john_doe

  • direction (integer): Filters recordings based on the call direction.
    Allowed values:

    • 0: Unknown

    • 1: Incoming

    • 2: Outgoing


  • 200 OK: Returns a JSON object with:

    • totalCount (integer): Total number of recordings matching the filters.

    • recordings (array): An array of recordings (each conforming to the Recording schema).

  • 400 Bad Request: Returned if one or more parameters are invalid. The response includes:

    • reason (integer): Error code (0 for filtering errors, 1 for paging errors).

    • message (string): Human-readable error description.

  • Other errors: 401, 403, 500, and 504 responses as defined in the common responses.



GET http://localhost/fw/Apps/Recorder/WebAPI/Recordings/?page=0&pageSize=25&startTime=after:2023-01-01T00:00:00Z


  "totalCount": 123,
  "recordings": [
      "id": "e0c77c5d-7807-4d9b-9d8d-92a38370af5e",
      "referenceNumber": "2015200000023",
      "startTime": "2017-07-05T23:59:59.000Z",
      "duration": "PT1M31.87S",
      "direction": 1,
      "localPartyNumber": "256",
      "remotePartyNumber": "+391234567",
      "ownerUsername": "john_doe"
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