Pause/Resume Recording
Pause by Recording ID
Endpoint: PUT /{id}/Pause
Summary: Pauses the recording of a connected call by its identifier.
Path Parameter:
(string, UUID): The recording identifier.
204 No Content: Recording paused.
400 Bad Request: If the provided ID is not valid.
401/403: For authentication or authorization issues.
409 Conflict: If no recording exists with the given ID.
429 Too Many Requests: If the recording is already paused.
500 Internal Server Error: On server errors.
Resume by Recording ID
Endpoint: PUT /{id}/Resume
Summary: Resumes a paused recording.
Path Parameter:
(string, UUID): The recording identifier.
204 No Content: Recording resumed.
400/401/403: For invalid IDs, authentication, or authorization issues.
409 Conflict: If no such recording exists.
429 Too Many Requests: If the recording is not currently paused.
500 Internal Server Error: On server errors.
Pause by Directory Number
Endpoint: PUT /Pause
Summary: Pauses the recording for the call on the line identified by the directory number.
Query Parameter:
(string, required): The directory number.
204 No Content: Recording(s) paused.
400 Bad Request: If the directory number is not provided.
401/403: For authentication or authorization issues.
409 Conflict: If no active recording exists on the given line.
429 Too Many Requests: If the recording is already paused.
500 Internal Server Error: On server errors.
Resume by Directory Number
Endpoint: PUT /Resume
Summary: Resumes the paused recording for the call on the line identified by the directory number.
Query Parameter:
(string, required): The directory number.
204 No Content: Recording(s) resumed.
400 Bad Request: If the directory number is not provided.
401/403: For authentication or authorization issues.
409 Conflict: If no active paused recording exists on the given line.
429 Too Many Requests: If the recording is not paused.
500 Internal Server Error: On server errors.