Retrieve Active Recordings
Get all active recordings
Endpoint: GET /
Summary: Retrieves the current active recordings with optional filters.
Query Parameters:
(string, optional): The device identifier (e.g.,SEP123456789ABC
(string, optional): The directory number for filtering (e.g.,123456
(string, optional): The username associated with the recording.numericUserId
(string, optional): The numeric user ID.
200 OK: Returns an array of recording objects.
400 Bad Request: Returned when neither a device name nor a directory number is provided.
401/403/500: For authentication issues, unauthorized access, or server errors.
Get Active Recordings for Authenticated User
Endpoint: GET /Mine
Summary: Retrieves active recordings specifically for the authenticated user.
200 OK: Returns an array of recordings.
401 Unauthorized: If authentication fails.
500 Internal Server Error: On server errors.