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Start a Recording

Endpoint: POST /

Summary: Initiates recording on a connected call.

Request Body (JSON):

  • Optional Parameters:
    If no request body is provided, the call on the line associated with the authenticated user will be recorded. If provided, the request may include:

    • deviceName (string): The device on which to start recording.
      Example: SEP123456789ABC

    • directoryNumber (string): The line number to record.
      Example: "101"

    • mode (integer): The recording mode.

      • 0: Cisco Media Forking (default)

      • 1: Dial-In

When specifying a device or directory number, the authenticated user must have “Complete Management” authorization to record calls on devices other than their own.


  • 201 Created: Returns a JSON object containing the id (UUID) of the started recording.

  • 400 Bad Request: If the request body is missing required information or contains errors. The response includes:

    • reason (integer) – possible values:

      • 0: Neither device name nor directory number provided.

      • 1: Specified line does not exist or is not monitorable.

      • 2: Invalid recording mode.

      • 3: Requesting user lacks an extension number.

      • 4: Device is configured for automatic call recording.

    • deviceName: (string) Present if the device cannot be monitored.

  • 401 Unauthorized: For authentication failures.

  • 403 Forbidden: When user authorization or service restrictions prevent recording.

  • 409 Conflict: If the call cannot be recorded because of current service status (e.g. no connected call or no associated IAS user).

  • 429 Too Many Requests: If a duplicate recording request is received or if the call is already being recorded.

  • 500/501/503: For server errors or misconfigurations, including issues with licensing or channel availability.

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