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Stop a Recording

Stop by Device and/or Directory Number

Endpoint: DELETE /

Summary: Stops the recording on the specified device and/or directory number.

Query Parameters:

  • deviceName (string): The device identifier.

  • directoryNumber (string): The line number.


  • 204 No Content: If the recording is stopped successfully.

  • 400 Bad Request: Returned if neither parameter is specified or if the specified line is not monitorable.

  • 401/403/409/500: For authentication issues, unauthorized access, conflict conditions, or server errors.

Stop by Recording ID

Endpoint: DELETE /{id}

Summary: Stops the recording identified by the given UUID.

Path Parameter:

  • id (string, UUID): The identifier of the recording.


  • 204 No Content: When the recording is stopped.

  • 400 Bad Request: If the provided ID is invalid or if the recording corresponds to a non-monitorable line.

  • 401/403/409/500: For authentication errors, unauthorized access, non-existent recording, or server issues.

Stop for Authenticated User

Endpoint: DELETE /Mine

Summary: Stops the recording on the line associated with the authenticated user.


  • 204 No Content: Successfully stopped.

  • 400 Bad Request: If there is an error with the associated line (e.g., line not monitorable).

  • 401 Unauthorized: For authentication failures.

  • 409 Conflict: If there is no active recording for the user.

  • 500 Internal Server Error: On server errors.

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