Download outbound fax document
Downloads an outbound fax document.
Resource URL
GET fw/Apps/StoneFax/WebAPI/Faxes/Outbound/{id}.{format}
Resource Information
Response Content-Type: depending on the value of {format} parameter:
tiff: image/tiff
pdf: application/pdf
Requires authentication: Yes
URL Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default | Example |
id | string | required | The id of the fax to download | null | IAS-N1_d53957a4-c6fa-4a89-9198-f32da47e6a58_0 |
format | Format | required | The format of the file to download. Must be one of the following:
| null |
200 OK
Fax has been downloaded.
Error response
401 Unauthorized
No authentication provided
Wrong credentials
403 Forbidden
Insufficient privilege level
404 NotFound
No such fax outbound having the given id
410 Gone
The fax exists, but related document has been removed
GET fw/Apps/StoneFax/WebAPI/Faxes/Outbound/IAS-N1_d53957a4-c6fa-4a89-9198-f32da47e6a58_0.tiff