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Fax Users and Groups

Users Basic Configuration

An Imagicle user must be configured in UCX Suite, to allow fax sending/receiving with Digital Fax.

These are the BASIC fields you must fill in the Users Management for each fax user:

  • Fax number: represents the personal fax number associated to the user. It can be an  internal number number or a DID (Direct Inward Dial) number. For incoming faxes, it must exactly match the called number sent by the PBX or voice gateway to Digital Fax.

  • Offnet fax number: populate this field if you want to send an outgoing offnet fax using a calling number different from the user fax number. It can be used, for instance, to specify the E.164 phone number corresponding to the Corporate fax number.
    If left empty, Fax Number field is used both for incoming and outgoing faxes. This number is not considered for internal (on-net) faxes.

  • Enable Receive: to enable the user to receive faxes. If this flag is checked, the faxes addressed to the user's Fax Number are forwarded to own Inbox web page.
    If this flag is left unchecked and a default "catch all" user is defined for Digital Fax, inbound faxes are received anyway and assigned to the default user. If a default user is not configured or is not enabled to receive, the incoming fax is rejected. See next paragraph for more details.

  • Enable Send: Check this flag to provide user with fax sending capabilities, from any interface. A user who is not enabled to send faxes but still tries to use the Email To Fax or the Web To Fax features receives a message stating that the feature is not enabled for him/her.

  • Enable Fax To Email: a flag to activate the email notifications related to new inbound faxes

  • Fax2Email address: This is the user's email address where Digital Fax is addressing inbound faxes notifications.

  • Fax2Email attach fax: If this flag is checked, the user receives a copy of inbound fax attached to the email notification.

  • Fax: cover page name: the cover filename (without extension) to be attached to outbound faxes. Leave it empty to leverage the default cover page.

  • Notifications preferred template: the filename (without extension) of the email template to be used for fax server notifications to this user. 

  • Company name: the sender company name, appearing in the fax header and in the fax coverpage.
    This field, if populated, overrides for this user the same parameter defined at system level (Application Settings --> Company Info). 

  • Default priority (0/1/2): Dictates the queue priority for outbound faxes. Default is 1. Change it to 2 for high priority or set it to 0 for low priority.

  • TSID: the transmitter fax ID, appearing in the fax header, normally containing the fax sender number.
    This field, if populated, overrides for this user the same parameter defined at system level (Application Settings --> Company Info). 

To learn how to edit above user's fields, please refer to User Management section.

The default "catch all" user

The default user can be any user from the UCX Suite users list. A user named "default" is always included in the users' list initial setup. To change the default user, go to Digital Fax ⇒ Application Settings and enter the relevant username in "Send all faxes for unknown numbers to user" field. Hit Save.

Note: Fill the internal UCX Suite username of the default user you wish to use, not the Active Directory username.

Warning: Ensure the user is available and has permissions suitable to receive faxes. If the user is not selected or if the user does not exist, Digital Fax rejects all fax transactions received on an unknown number and provides a busy tone.

When a default user is defined:

  • When an incoming fax is addressed to a number which cannot be found in the users list, it is forwarded to the default user

  • When an incoming fax is addressed to a number associated to a user who is not allowed to receive faxes, it is forwarded to the default user

  • When an outgoing fax sent through print-to-fax cannot be associated to any user, it is NOT stored in the default user outbox. You can see them through the Outgoing report web page.

You can access the default user outbox and inbox as you would for a standard user; or you can see its faxes in the Global Inbox/Outbox web pages.

Fax Workgroups

The most common way to use Digital Fax is to assign a personal fax number to each user. In this way, each user can send and receive personal faxes which are secure and private. Sometimes the customer needs the same faxes to be accessible to multiple users through the email and the web interface.

A way to accomplish this feature is to share a single username, password and email account among a group of users. This method has some disadvantages: the users cannot log onto the web interface with their domain credentials, and must explicitly select the shared email account when sending faxes.

The suggested alternative way is detailed here.

Fax User Groups

Suppose you have a team of five employees working in the Sales department, and you want them to share the same fax number for both sending and receiving.

You can create one additional UCX Suite user for fax workgroup, called "sales_group". Associate a "Fax number", "Fax enable send" and "Fax enable receive" checked flags. Optionally, you can fill other fields too.

Then edit five employees' UCX Suite users within Sales department: do not set any fax number and offnet number. Just fill the "Fax group username" with the "sales_group". These users should be already there, provisioned through users synchronization.

With above Fax group configuration, you enable the following:

  • Web inbox: The users in the group can access to incoming faxes addressed to the group fax number through the web interface by logging with own credentials. Only one copy of the fax is stored. If one of the users deletes the fax, it is lost for all of them.

  • Web To Fax: on the "Send a Fax" page the users can choose to send a personal fax (default) or a group fax. If the fax is sent as a group fax, the outbound transaction is displayed in the other group members' outbox too.

  • Web outbox: The users in the group can access to outgoing faxes list through the web interface, by logging in with own credentials. Their personal faxes are displayed too.

  • Fax To Email: The group members with "Enable Fax To Email" checked flag receive a copy of the fax in their own personal email inbox.

  • Email To Fax: The faxes sent by the group members, from their personal email accounts, leverage the "sales_group" Fax Group properties, including offnet fax number and cover page if specified. The fax is available to all group members, from the web interface and gadgets.

  • Print To Fax: a fax sent this way will always be considered personal, and will not be displayed in the outbox of the other users in the group

Special case: You can also provide to each user both a personal and a group fax number. In this case, please configure the "Fax number" field too. These users can still receive group faxes, but they are sending faxes from personal fax number by default. User can send from the fax group by adding the ";shared" suffix to the email subject.
Mail notifications are sent to the personal users' mailboxes only.

User Permissions

User permissions manage both the capabilities to send/receive faxes and the access to Digital Fax administration pages.
Following, the available access levels for Digital Fax:

  • No Access: the user is not enabled to receive/send faxes, neither to consult own fax inbox/outbox.  

  • Base Access: the user can send/receive faxes, consult own fax list (inbox/outbox) and download own fax documents.

  • Manage Department Faxes: in addition to the base access, this level allows the user to consult the fax list of all users (inbox/outbox) associated to the same own department. However, for privacy policy, this user cannot download other users' fax documents. 

  • Complete Management: this admin-level user can send/receive faxes, consult the global fax list (inbox/outbox), change the service settings and start/stop the service. However, for privacy policy, this user cannot download other users' fax documents. 

Assigning such access levels, Digital Fax can be enabled or disabled per user.  However, to enable/disable the service to all users, you do not need to change the access level for each user. In facts, you can set the default access level (base acccess is the default) inherited by all users and then set the exceptions to specific users.

Note: in addition of the mentioned access levels, in order to send and receive faxes, you must also ensure that incoming and outgoing faxes are globally enabled at system level . Please refer to the Digital Fax Administrative Configuration section.

User Preferences

The users with permission level 2 or higher can change some preferences through the web interface: enable or disable fax to email, the fax2email destination address, and if the fax is attached to the notification.

Fax User Configuration Example

Suppose you have a public pool of numbers like 02 97865xxx. This means a DID (Direct Inward Dial) with one thousand available numbers (from 02 97865000 to 02 97865999).

  • You can reserve 3xx numbers for the phone extensions of the users

  • You cal also reserve 4xx numbers for the related fax extensions

Then you can create a user to test fax features with the following parameters:

  • Name and Surname: Christian Bianchi

  • Phone number: 303

  • Fax number: 403

  • Fax2Email address:

  • Enable receive: true

  • Enable send: true

If you want to assign the same number to both voice and fax (for each user) or if you have only one public number for both company telephone and company fax, you can leverage Imagicle Auto Attendant application, included in UCX Suite, to provide an automated voice response to choose between voice and fax.

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