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How to save faxes in structured folders

How to:

How to let Digital Fax save incoming/outgoing faxes in structured folders on file system.


If you want Digital Fax save the received or sent faxes to a structured tree of folders, proceed as follows.

Edit this configuration file with your favorite editor: 


Under [Settings] section, locate the following parameters:

  • CopyPathFormatIncoming defines the full destination filename for incoming faxes

  • CopyPathFormatOutgoing defines the full destination filename for outgoing faxes

For example if you want to save all incoming/outgoing faxes with this structure:


Ensure the [Settings] section of the configuration file includes the following lines:


ArchiveFileFormat=2 --> Set the archive fax format (1=TIFF, 2=PDF)


You can use the following placeholders as part of your file names or folder names.


Unique identifier (serial number) of the fax


Calling fax number.


Called fax number.


Remote fax number, i.e. sender for incoming faxes; destination for outgoing faxes.


Local fax number, i.e. the internal number and it is destination for incoming faxes; sender for outgoing faxes.


Application username of the sender or destination of the fax


For incoming fax it is "In". For outgoing faxes it is "Out".


Applies to outgoing faxes only. It can be "OK" or "KO".


yyyy: Year (4 num)
yy: Yes (2 mum)
MM: Month
dd: Day
HH: Hours
mm: Minutes
ss: Seconds


Time of the day (start of transmission/reception), expressed in the "hhmm" format.

Please restart Digital Fax from the web interface after changing this configuration file.

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