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MS-Office365 configuration for alternative email-to-fax method

This article explains how to configure Microsoft Office365 to allow fax sending from email client using <fax_number> format, which allows to specify fax recipient in "To:" field, instead of "Subject" field.

MS-Office 365 Configuration

Please access to Office365 web portal as Administrator.

Go to Mail-Flow and Create a new rule:


Assign a name of your choice to new rule

Select first condition: the sender is internal (Inside the organization)


Select second condition: The recipient address matches any of these text patterns:

Please replace " " with your own company domain.


Select third condition: Redirect the message to:

This is the dedicated account associated to Imagicle Digital Fax


Save rule and test Mail-Flow is correctly applied.

Please keep in mind this method allows to send faxes to one fax recipient only. If you need to send a fax to multiple recipients, please adopt email-to-fax method using "Subject" field.

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