The Main Administrator
The Main UCX Suite Administrator is a super user which always has full permissions (Level 10) on all the applications and is allowed to configure the system. This default user is created during Imagicle UCX Suite deployment and It can't be deleted.
The Main Administrator can create other users with extended permissions, so you can have an unlimited number of administrators allowed to manage some or all the applications.
The Main Administrator is not included in Imagicle users list. It can't be associated to a phone line, fax number, personal email and so on. Its purpose is only to perform the configuration of the services.
If you give administrative privileges to a standard UCX Suite user, he or she will not have such limitations.
Editing the Main Administrator's Details
From top-right "ADMIN" link, available in any web portal's page, the administrator can can change own username and password.
How to reset the main administrator credentials
If you forgot the main administrator credentials, you can reset it to default admin/admin by leveraging below options:
UCX Suite version < 2020.Winter.1
By running the Imagicle UCX Suite package in the same folder, choosing a new name and password, or
By RDP into Imagicle instance and run the ResetIasAdmin.exe application from the <install dir>\Troubleshooting folder
If tool is not available, you can download it from here.
UCX Suite version >= 2020.Winter.1
By running the Imagicle UCX Suite package in the same folder, choosing a new name and password, or
By RDP into Imagicle instance and run the ResetAdminCredentials.bat batch file from the <install dir>\System folder
Note: If you are leveraging an Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, please contact Imagicle to retrieve the proper administrator credentials.