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UCX Suite Numbering Plan

You can edit these parameters through the Admin ⇒ System parameters ⇒ Numbering Plan Parameters menu in UCX Suite web portal. These settings apply to the applications performing outgoing and incoming calls such as Attendant Console and Contact Manager. To modify a parameter, you have to deselect "Use default settings".


General settings affect both incoming and outgoing calls.

  • PBX supports E.164 dialling: flag this checkbox if your Calling Platform leverages extension numbers in +E.164 format (e.g. +1-607-555-6789)

  • Internal Phone Number Patterns: These patterns identify the internal PBX extensions and, in general, all numbers that do not require the PSTN access code to be dialed. The default range is from 1 to five digits. The list of patterns is checked top-down. To know how to build the pattern, please refer to the grey "i" help icon.

  • Local Country Code: This prefix is stripped from the caller number before looking for it in Contact Manager directories (e.g. +44). Incoming prefix is stripped first, then the Local country code. You can specify only one prefix.

  • International Dialing Prefix: This is the prefix to dial-out international destinations, when the + sign is not used. E.g. 00 in European countries, 011 in USA.

Incoming calls

  • Prefix: This prefix is stripped from the caller number before looking for it in Contact Manager directories. If your outgoing prefix is 0, likely your PBX requires to dial 0 to allow calling back. In this case, just enter 0 as incoming prefix

  • ECC-CURRI callbacks include prefix: Enable this option if incoming calls notified by CUCM ECC do include the "prefix for incoming calls". If you are unsure, check Phone Lock's Call History after having configured ECC. This setting affects the Contact Manager Caller ID lookup for the caller numbers of incoming calls.

Outgoing calls

  • Prefix: This prefix is automatically added to outgoing calls, e.g. to calls placed by Contact Manager towards external numbers. This prefix is not added to internal calls, nor to calls towards the users' primary extensions configured in the users list.

  • TAPI events include the prefix: check this flag if the called number, retrieved via CTI, includes the prefix for outgoing calls, to be stripped. This happens only if the outgoing prefix is removed by a voice gateway instead of the PBX. This setting affects the Contact Manager Caller ID lookup for the called numbers of outgoing calls.

  • Use prefix for calls made through Cisco Jabber Desktop: This option affects how outbound calls are performed through Cisco Jabber Desktop client. By checking this flag, all outbound PSTN calls include the prefix.

  • ECC-CURRI callbacks include prefix: Enable this option if incoming calls notified by ECC do include the "prefix for outgoing calls". If you are unsure, check the Blocked calls history in StoneLock administration after having configured ECC. This setting affects the lookup in Speedy directories for the called numbers of outgoing calls.

  • Suffix: On some telephony systems, a suffix can be used to speed-up the outbound call trigger (typically, a "#")


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