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Product Integration API

In this KB section, Imagicle provides a description of the Imagicle Voice Analytics “Recordings.v1” APIs. This document describes the available endpoints, their methods, request and response formats, authentication details, and the underlying data models.

Base URL (Server):

Please download relevant YAML file for detailed specifications: Recordings.v1.json


There are two security schemes used by these APIs:

  • OAuth2 Client Credentials
    – Used by endpoints intended for service-to-service (automatic) operations (e.g. uploading recordings via POST /v1/recordings).
    – Flow: Client credentials with a token URL (see tenant configuration API documentation).
    – Scope: "voice-analytics/recordings.write"

  • Bearer Authentication
    – Used for endpoints accessed by an authenticated end user (for example, manual recording uploads or retrieving details).
    – The client must include a valid bearer token in the HTTP Authorization header.

Data Schemas


A Recording object includes:

  • id: (string) Unique recording identifier.

  • ownerId: (string) User or owner identifier.

  • direction: (string) "IN", "OUT", or "UNKNOWN".

  • from and to: Objects with fullName and phoneNumber (both strings).

  • date: (string) ISO 8601 timestamp (e.g. "2021-04-25T10:24:40Z").

  • analysisResult: Object with:

    • score: (number, -1 to 1) Analysis confidence score.

    • sentiment: (string) E.g. "POSITIVE", "NEGATIVE", "NEUTRAL", "ERROR", or "UNKNOWN".

    • status: (integer) Status code (0–5) indicating the progress/state.

  • channels: (number) Either 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo).

  • duration: (number) Duration in seconds.

  • tags: Array of Tag objects.

  • video: Object with status (and optionally errorDetail), where status can be "OK", "NONE", or "ERROR".

  • hasNotes: (boolean) Indicates if notes are associated.


Similar to Recording but may omit some properties (e.g. tags and notes) and is used in detailed views.


An error response is modeled with:

  • errorCode: (number) Error code.

  • errorDescription: (string) Description of the error.


A speaker in a transcription:

  • speakerId: (string)

  • speakerLabel: (string) e.g. a full name.


Represents a transcribed sentence:

  • speakerId: (string)

  • startTime: (number) Start time in seconds.

  • endTime: (number) End time in seconds.

  • text: (string) Transcribed text.


A tag object used to label recordings:

  • id: (string, UUID)

  • value: (string) Tag name.


Represents a note attached to a recording:

  • noteId: (string, UUID)

  • authorUserId: (string, UUID)

  • noteText: (string) Note content.

  • createdAt: (string, date-time)

  • lastModified: (string, date-time)

Additional Information

  • Data Validation:
    Several endpoints use regular expressions and numeric constraints (e.g., valid ISO dates, phone number formats, allowed numeric ranges) to validate incoming parameters.

  • File Upload Process:
    The upload endpoints follow a two-step process:

    1. Request Upload: POST to obtain a presigned S3 URL.

    2. Perform Upload: Use the provided URL to perform a PUT operation. It is critical to include the proper headers (e.g. content-md5, x-amz-meta-*) exactly as returned in the initial POST response.

  • Rate Limits & Quota:
    Some endpoints (e.g. recording uploads) may return errors if the user is unlicensed or if transcription quotas are exceeded.

  • Error Handling:
    Error responses provide an errorCode and errorDescription to assist in troubleshooting.

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