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Configuration for Microsoft Teams Presence

Article ID: 841
Last updated: 24 Dec, 2024


  • Imagicle UCX Suite rel. 2021.Spring.1 and above
  • Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite is in place, or an online-activated Imagicle UCX Suite reaching Imagicle Cloud through TCP port 443
  • A Global Microsoft 365 Admin account belonging to the customer tenant.

Feature Description

Imagicle UCX Suite includes a cloud-based integration to interact with Microsoft Teams cloud.

To accomplish this integration, Imagicle developed in own Cloud a multi-tenant Azure Enterprise Application called Teams Presence connector for Imagicle UCX Suite, with the purpose of collecting presence and presence information on behalf of the customers' tenants. To authorize Imagicle to retrieve such data, customers must grant Imagicle Enterprise Application a specific set of permissions and generate a valid OAuth 2 token. The set of needed permissions are the following:

  • User.ReadBasic.All
  • Presence.Read.All
  • Directory.Read.All


Imagicle Attendant Console operators registered to Imagicle UCX Suite subscribe to the Rich Presence status events of their colleagues, supplied by their own Imagicle UCX Suite instance. This request is in turn converted to a gRPC session (https) to this Internet URL:, corresponding to an Imagicle Cloud presence service.

If required, a Proxy can be configured to allow reaching above URL. See here for more details.

On-prem UCX Suite Settings 

To enable MS-Teams presence integration, some parameters must be configured within the following setting file:

C:\Program Files (x86)\StonevoiceAS\Apps\Presence\Settings\Presence.ini

  • MSTeamsPresence.Enable=1
    This parameters allows to enable/disable MS-Teams presence retrieval.  Please set it to 1. Default value is 0.
  • RichPresence.WinningTechnology=MSTeams
    This parameter defines the Rich Presence technology priority while assigning and showing presence status on Attendant Console. For MS-Teams priority, please set this parameter to MSTeams. Default value is SipSimple.

Users' Settings

MS Teams users are identified by their UPN, whose URI string should be included into Rich Presence Microsoft URI user's field, manually populated or automatically set upon a synch against Azure AD or any other external source.

Microsoft Tenant Authentication

To allow Imagicle Cloud to retrieve the Microsoft Teams presence status of company users, customer needs to connect to the Imagicle Onboarding web page, compile the form with own MS-Teams tenant data, including the email account of a GLOBAL ADMIN MS-Teams user. Once the form is submitted, customer is invited to AUTHORIZE the presence acquisition and subsequently log in to own Microsoft tenant.

The Microsoft user authorizing the application must grant above mentioned permissions for its tenant:

When you hit AUTHORIZE button, you are requested to login to MS-Teams using the Global Admin account. Once logged in, you are prompted to authorize Imagicle Presence Connector enterprise application:

Hit Accept. If the presence authorization is successfully accomplished, the blue button turns to green and you can COMPLETE REQUEST.

You can double check correct Enterprise Application creation from Azure web portal:

Also make sure that all Permissions are granted within above Enterprise App. If not, just hit the GRANT blue button, as shown below:

Presence Update Notes

When user turns off MS-Teams client (or turns off own PC), the client does not update Microsoft Cloud about its status change to Offline. This is reflected to Attendant Console rich presence display, which keeps on showing the client in its latest known status for some minutes (variable), eventually changing to:

  • Available ⇒ AvailableIdle
  • Busy ⇒ BusyIdle

After a further variable time interval, rich presence status turns eventually to Offline.

Both above temporary status are also displayed on other MS-Teams clients.

Presence Icons on Attendant Console

Imagicle Attendant Console client for Microsoft UC includes specific presence status for MS-Teams, identified by different colors. See below screenshot sample:

«Away» status is shown in Orange and «busy» status in Red. Please note that these two presence status are shown in different way, while using other calling platforms.

Article ID: 841
Last updated: 24 Dec, 2024
Revision: 21
Views: 2174
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