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Phone Lock Configuration using TAPI

Device Association

For a telephone to be locked, it must be monitored through TAPI. Associate all the devices you want to use with Phone Lock to the ImagicleCTI application user you created here.

Note: device association might be required by other Imagicle applications leveraging the TAPI technology, such as Contact Manager, Advanced Queuing, Attendant Console. We advise to complete this configuration even if you choose CURRI-based locking technology.

Lock overlapping phone lines

Starting from Imagicle 2020.Spring.1 release, Phone Lock TAPI engine can selectively lock overlapping extensions, if associated to different partitions and different phone devices. To enable this feature please populate relevant "Partition" field in Imagicle Users' list.

Troubleshooting tips

  1. If an IP Phone does not appear in Imagicle web portal ⇒ Admin ⇒ Support ⇒ (details) page, it cannot be monitored by Phone Lock. It must have both the "Detected by AXL" and "Detected By TAPI" flags. If not, please double check device association on the CallManager, and AXL configuration on the UCX Suite server.

  2. Check that the option "Allow Control of Device from CTI" is enabled in the phone configuration on CUCM: Device ⇒ Phone

  1. Check that CUCM AXL Service is active. In case of CUCM cluster installations, check that the IP address you entered in the UCX Suite IP telephony Parameters is the one of the node on which the AXL service is activated.

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