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Configure Cisco XML Service in HTTPS

Applies to:

Imagicle UCX Suite for Cisco UC, all versions


This article details how to configure a Cisco XML to use HTTPS toward Imagicle UCX Suite.
This can be used for different UC Suite application: Phone Lock, Contact Manager Lookup and/or SmartNumbers, Call Recording announcement.


Export the certificate from the UCX Suite server

Follow procedure explained in Configure Cisco ECC Curri in HTTPS

Import the certificate into CUCM

Follow the same steps explained in Configure Cisco ECC Curri in HTTPS but choose "Phone-trust" as Certificate purpose.


Configure XML service


Configure the phones Authentication URL

On CuCM administration web menu, select System, then Enterprise Parameters and set the "URL Authentication" and "Secure URL Authentication" parameters to the following value:


Please use the FQDN (and not the IP or other) of the UCX Suite host as defined in its certificate in the "Service URL".

After this configuration you can test the Phone Lock service making a call from a locked phone and checking that ECC is working by accessing "Phone Lock" → "Call History" page in the UCX Suite:

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