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How to change server IP Address or Hostname in a Standalone server or in a Cluster Enviroment

Article ID: 764
Last updated: 12 Apr, 2023
Applies from Application Suite 2017.1.1


How to change server IP Address or hostname in a Standalone server or in a Cluster Enviroment.


Change the IP Address or Hostname in a Standalone server  (One server only).

  1. Change IP or machine hostname.
  2. Open folder  \\StonevoiceAS\System
  3. Run UpdateInstallationAddress.bat and restart the server

Change IP Address (ask to our support how to change the hostname) in a Cluster Enviroment

  1. For each node follow this procedure (once in a time)
  2. Change IP address (don't change the hostname) and restart server 
  3. Open Windows Service Manager and stop Imagicle Replication Service
  4. Open Windows Service Manager and stop Imagicle Service host
  5. Edit %IASROOT%\Apps\Fw\Settings\ClusterNodesDefinition.config.xml
  6. Replace the old IP address (don't change the hostname) with the new one
  7. Edit %IASROOT%\Apps\Replication\Settings\Replication.Engine.xml
  8. Replace the old IP address (don't change the hostname) with the new one
  9. Edit %IASROOT%\Lib\RabbitMQ\erl_inetrc.config
  10. Replace the old IP address (don't change the hostname) with the new one (leave "," to separate numbers")
  11. Open Windows Service Manager and restart RabbitMQ Service 
  12. Open "<StonevoiceAS>\Temp" and double click SV-StartAllServices.bat (to start all Imagicle services)
  13. Repeat the same procedure in the other nodes

Align hostname in SQL Server for Standalone Enviroment

After above procedure, UC Suite hostname is properly updated and you can display it from Support web page. In below sample, you can find it in "UC Suite Installation Type":

That's not the case for Hostname saved in SQL Server. See below sample, where "Server name:" field differs from above:

To align above values, please execute the following SQL query from HeidiSQL:

sp_dropserver '<old_name>';
sp_addserver '<new_name>', 'local';

where <old name> is the one appearing in the Database Server section (including insatnce name) and <new_name> is the new server name, including the instance name (do not change the SQL instance name!).
For instance:

sp_dropserver 'WIN-7VRCT25T0VU\IMAGICLE2017';
sp_addserver 'IMG-SERVER1\IMAGICLE2017', 'local';

Now both Hostnames are consistent on Support web page.

Article ID: 764
Last updated: 12 Apr, 2023
Revision: 12
Views: 1840
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